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Are prostitutes criminals or victims?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 31 responses -
In theory, how would white Americans protest if they have the same grievances as the BLM?
Asked by mazingerz88 from iPhone | 10 responses -
Should businessmen who buy a business and then sell parts off and close the business be charged with murder?
Asked by filmfann | 13 responses -
What are the NAMES of the perpetrators in the recent McDonald's beating?
Asked by Kraigmo | 24 responses -
How would one construct a “litter trap”?
Asked by Smashley | 30 responses -
When being threatened with possible violent death by an armed brigand, like a terrorist, russian, or right wing militia-man, would begging for your life make it more likely for you to get killed?
Asked by ragingloli | 18 responses -
Can you help me brainstorm security measures?
Asked by sliceswiththings | 6 responses -
Mom leaves a 2 year old and a baby locked in a hot car while she goes on a job interview. She's under arrest and now says she had no choice. Your thoughts?
Asked by jca | 80 responses -
How far should the police be allowed to go?
Asked by Skaggfacemutt | 84 responses -
Why doesn't the United States government negotiate with terrorists and/or criminals?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 27 responses -
Does jailing a homeless man for begging solve anything?
Asked by RareDenver | 52 responses -
Are death squads considered local mercenaries?
Asked by yaujj48 | 2 responses -
What action should be taken when an answer reveals possible criminal behaviour against a minor/under-age member?
Asked by Plucky | 22 responses -
What are your thoughts on Black Lives Matter?
Asked by kid_africa | 32 responses -
If you were Hunter Biden, would you have taken the plea deal?
Asked by jca2 | 40 responses -
Do you think the threat of unrest affected the jury's decision in the Derek Chauvin trial?
Asked by Demosthenes | 17 responses -
There's a lot of talk about guns, do they scare you like they do me?
Asked by RayaHope | 34 responses -
Why is it sometimes mandatory that an accused person plead not guilty?
Asked by Mariah | 9 responses -
Do you feel bad for Brittney Griner?
Asked by jca2 | 56 responses -
If you were the Judge and the Jury, and it were totally up to your judgement and opinion, what would be the punishment for the kid whose webcam spying caused his roommate Tyler Clemente to commit suicide?
Asked by jca | 45 responses -
Is the world going to the dogs?
Asked by ETpro | 18 responses -
Could you forgive your executioners?
Asked by RareDenver | 36 responses -
[Possibly NSFW] What is it with guys named Dick and politics?
Asked by ETpro | 20 responses -
Locals/regular visitors, can you tell me anything about gang culture and gun crime in Chicago?
Asked by OpryLeigh from iPhone | 6 responses -
Why would any American want to work in Russia?
Asked by jca2 | 13 responses