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What would you say to someone who told you they believe your child needs to be cured by Jesus Christ?
Asked by jonsblond | 104 responses -
Any good reason at all why you might join a sect?
Asked by Berserker | 55 responses -
What is a cult?
Asked by ETpro | 18 responses -
What is your perception of a religious cult?
Asked by plethora | 64 responses -
Can someone explain why there are tons of people who believe Beyonce and other pop stars are demons and part of a cult?
Asked by cutiepi92 | 24 responses -
Good movies about demented families?
Asked by Berserker | 44 responses -
What is your interpretation of "Donnie Darko"?
Asked by shrubbery | 26 responses -
Cults: how do their messianic leaders learn the cult psychology rule book?
Asked by ETpro | 10 responses -
What are the benefits or upsides of Scientology?
Asked by Likeradar | 38 responses -
What are some good ways for an artist to release music anonymously, and gain a viral following?
Asked by thelaughingman | 5 responses -
What is the most dangerous religious cult out there today?
Asked by garydale | 92 responses -
Can you help me find a website about freemasons that is reliable and un-biased?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 12 responses -
How close are far right and far left political movements to cults?
Asked by ETpro | 8 responses -
Whatever happened with the human clone announcements a few years ago?
Asked by asmonet | 5 responses -
Is Landmark Forum a cult?
Asked by NerdyKeith | 11 responses -
Is the Illuminati real, a myth, bigger than the MOB?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 18 responses -
Any reliable rumors about another Dr Horrible installment?
Asked by syz | 6 responses -
Do you know anything about the Fall Of Cabal and The church of Q?
Asked by JLeslie | 1 response -
Is environmentalism green religion or a cult?
Asked by seVen from iPhone | 19 responses -
Ever been groomed for a cult?
Asked by oasis | 13 responses -
Whats your take on the alleged celebrities with ties with the Illuminati or other occult practices?
Asked by troubleinharlem from iPhone | 45 responses