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Why do you think there are clashes between parents and non-parents over parenting issues?
Asked by jca | 18 responses -
How does an irrational argument affect your opinion about the original premise?
Asked by ETpro | 29 responses -
If someone loves history, how (or where) would he find more people with the same interests?
Asked by metadog | 13 responses -
Hey guys, sorry to bother you today, but where is the line between political correctness being a barrier, and someone just wanting to say stupid stuff?
Asked by Blackberry | 14 responses -
I don't know much about LGBTQ parenting, but I need some sources to debate someone. Can you help me out?
Asked by Blackberry | 20 responses -
Did Walt Disney ever voice an opinion on Hugh Hefner?
Asked by metadog | 2 responses -
Should this atheist group be permitted to have their banner hung with the nativity display in Pennsylvania?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 335 responses -
If Newt is the only one that shows up for the Trump Debate, should he debate himself?
Asked by ETpro | 31 responses -
Why are some people upset with the amount of money teachers, military, and union workers are paid? I'm not sure I understand the argument.
Asked by Blackberry | 30 responses -
Does bias always decrease the validity of an argument? Can it ever increase its validity?
Asked by Mariah | 19 responses -
Is it ever reasonable to take offense at facts?
Asked by Mariah | 22 responses -
How do you feel about people expressing opinions about other countries Politics / Government / Legal Structure / Rights etc. ?
Asked by RareDenver | 9 responses -
Ever lose an argument where you were right?
Asked by filmfann | 22 responses -
Atheists: Would you have commented on this Facebook situation? Theists: What are your thoughts on the comment I did make?
Asked by augustlan | 184 responses -
Can you explain to an ideologue the difference in their thought process and that of a pragmatist?
Asked by ETpro | 9 responses -
Why is Herman Cain commonly referred to as a CEO of a pizza company, but almost never a chairman of the board of The Federal Reserve?
Asked by SquirrelEStuff | 16 responses -
Do we all have the right of judgment of what is right and what is wrong?
Asked by Hibernate | 30 responses -
Should I take the bait and battle the pastor?
Asked by Seek | 64 responses -
Speakers of other languages: when someone asks a question about grammar in your language (please name it), does it incite as much controversy and produce as much heated disagreement as do English grammar questions here on Fluther?
Asked by Jeruba | 14 responses -
Do you believe Atlantis really existed or is it a myth?
Asked by silverangel | 14 responses -
Are you attracted to train wrecks?
Asked by wundayatta | 24 responses -
When you see someone being overly defensive, what do you think?
Asked by wundayatta | 19 responses -
What do you think philosophers and other famous figures would be like online?
Asked by Blackberry | 12 responses -
Why do questions that involve issues between men and women always draw so much response and get people so worked up?
Asked by MRSHINYSHOES | 33 responses -
I don't know if this has been asked yet (if so, just tell me), but what is considered an "attack" when discussing or questioning religion or god?
Asked by Blackberry | 50 responses