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Have you had a memorable Christmas tree disaster?
Asked by Jeruba | 19 responses -
What items of yours grew in numbers until you realized that you had established a collection of some sort?
Asked by DarlingRhadamanthus | 52 responses -
If I gave you my Skull, would you hang it on your wall?
Asked by Only138 | 84 responses -
Describe your favorite piece of art that is displayed (somehow) in your home?
Asked by Jude | 49 responses -
If you were writing a book on "Décor for Depression"?
Asked by Shippy | 15 responses -
If you were redoing carpeting and wall color in a room, which would you choose first?
Asked by janbb | 26 responses -
Will using nail polish or nail polish remover damage my bong in any way?
Asked by xjustxxclaudiax | 17 responses -
Is putting the side of a double bed against a wall bad?
Asked by ben2 | 33 responses -
Merry, Merry is coming up in 3 months; what 5 things would you love to have?
Asked by Jude | 37 responses -
Do you believe your home is your haven?
Asked by Just_Justine | 43 responses -
What does your Christmas tree say about you?
Asked by charliecompany34 | 23 responses -
I need help from the devious minds of the collective for a prank!
Asked by syz | 46 responses -
A room with no view. How do you create a view or simply detract from this issue?
Asked by Just_Justine | 21 responses -
Do you own any paintings by painters you know?
Asked by burntbonez | 18 responses -
What type of artwork would you actually purchase?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 40 responses -
What is hanging on your walls?
Asked by AshLeigh | 52 responses -
How meticulous are YOU with your Christmas tree?
Asked by Millenium_TheMysteriousM | 11 responses -
What's the purpose of decorative towels besides decoration?
Asked by throwaccount | 31 responses -
Tis the season. Will you bother to decorate in this fraught time?
Asked by canidmajor | 24 responses -
I can't change anything around. What can I do to decorate?
Asked by Haleth | 16 responses -
Which photos do you think that I should use for my coffee table?
Asked by Jude | 41 responses -
Do you keep a physical map in your home marking where you've visited?
Asked by MyNewtBoobs | 10 responses -
A complimentary color to Persimmon would be..?
Asked by Jude | 11 responses -
Do those of you who live in areas where it snows think it’s odd or funny to see “fake” snow Christmas decorations?
Asked by Kardamom from iPhone | 9 responses -
What would be in your perfect room?
Asked by TheProfoundPorcupine | 19 responses