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Those of you who had supported Hillary Clinton for President: What do you think about Obama?
Asked by JLeslie | 9 responses -
Is it time to get rid of the filibuster?
Asked by Zuma | 20 responses -
If the Dems don't even need the Reps, what's the hold up on passing the bill for healthcare reform already?
Asked by SuckaFreeCitizen | 17 responses -
Red states (Republicans) and blue states (Democrats) - Is there a correlation with average income / gross national product per capita?
Asked by mattbrowne | 14 responses -
More Obama: What's your reaction to this NYT update on his open government pledge?
Asked by kevbo | 3 responses -
Why is the assault of a white person by someone of another race not a hate crime.
Asked by Crusader | 99 responses -
Where can I find a list of people who are in favor of the government controlling video game ratings?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 13 responses -
Would you prefer, if available, an alternative to being a Republican or Democrat in the U.S.?
Asked by thegodfather | 16 responses -
A massive national wilderness bill finally passed in Congress yesterday. What do you think about federally protecting wilderness and wildlife? Do we need more of it? Less of it? Why?
Asked by Jiminez | 22 responses -
Do you think it's funny that "liberals" is often used in a demeaning manner by "some"when the Statue of Liberty is one of our earliest and most recognized "National Monuments"?
Asked by TaoSan | 24 responses -
Has the Kennedy myth run its course?
Asked by LostInParadise | 6 responses -
When it comes to president-elect Obama choosing his new cabinet members, is it acceptable for a democrat to choose republicans to be part of his team or would this be frowned upon or taboo?
Asked by Bluefreedom | 24 responses -
Wasn't McCain's concession speech gracious?
Asked by PupnTaco from iPhone | 41 responses -
Who out there is absolutely frightened of the GOP winning the election today?
Asked by maccmann | 15 responses -
What's going on in the news?
Asked by Judi | 11 responses -
Hundreds of absentee ballots mailed out with "Barack Osama" listed as the Democratic candidate?
Asked by shockvalue | 25 responses -
Is anyone else ready for November 4th to finally get here?
Asked by Wine3213 from iPhone | 29 responses -
Why did Governor Palin wink at the audience?
Asked by GAMBIT | 27 responses -
What three things would you do first if you won the 2008 election?
Asked by GAMBIT | 18 responses -
If you fundamentally disagree with the politics in your city/county/state, why do you live there?
Asked by tinyfaery | 21 responses -
Minnesota Political Junkies: can you give me some information regarding the Senate race?
Asked by BonusQuestion | 12 responses -
Could his race cost Obama the election?
Asked by BonusQuestion | 20 responses -
Does anyone know the details or the outcome of the scandal in 1987 that caused Joe Bidden to stop his campaigning for the Democratic Presidential Nomination?
Asked by marissa | 6 responses -
Why are the approval ratings of Congress so low?
Asked by ljs22 | 4 responses -
I'd like you to share your thoughts on Sarah Palin's speech last night.
Asked by dalepetrie | 111 responses