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How much do you pay for a dental cleaning?
Asked by xBRIANx | 30 responses -
Molar removal?
Asked by tehrani625 | 9 responses -
Since we lose our baby teeth so young, does it mean that we are living far beyond the age we were originally meant to?
Asked by ubersiren | 20 responses -
Anyone here have experience with dental implants?
Asked by le_inferno | 14 responses -
Is your healthcare and dental insurance provider as terrible as mine?
Asked by RandomMrdan | 12 responses -
I was just wondering how much would braces be if you have only four gaps total ?
Asked by lilran488 | 6 responses -
Nail biters: Ever had cracks in your front teeth?
Asked by fizzbanger | 8 responses -
What is this white spot on my tooth?
Asked by Rayiscool from iPhone | 10 responses -
What will happen if I stop using toothpaste?
Asked by gunther | 17 responses -
Dental pain question?
Asked by Shippy | 19 responses -
Should I see a dentist or a doctor?
Asked by augustlan | 33 responses -
Am I eligible for dental insurance?
Asked by Spargett from iPhone | 4 responses -
What can I do about this dental insurance claim?
Asked by Aqua | 10 responses -
Why do my teeth hurt when I chew sugar free gum?
Asked by jaketheripper | 12 responses -
Have you had a dental crown re-cemented after it fell off ?
Asked by Aster | 7 responses -
Anyone ever have Periodontal Debridement?
Asked by casheroo | 1 response -
Multiple painless bumps in mouth?
Asked by livelaughlove21 | 9 responses -
How swollen does one's mouth get after having four wisdom teeth removed?
Asked by Sloane2024 from iPhone | 2 responses -
Has anyone ever had a dental implant? is it better then a bridge?
Asked by blueknight73 | 2 responses -
Is it safe to leave my retainers in the cleaning solution all day?
Asked by owenburnett | 3 responses -
Do enamel toothpastes actually help build back enamel?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 8 responses -
Does my dog have an abscessed tooth or could it be an allergic reaction?
Asked by Jude | 2 responses -
Would you select any of these dental insurance plans?
Asked by livingchoice | 12 responses -
Did I just get gypped?
Asked by VoodooLogic | 9 responses -
Which is better, flossing or mouthwash? Or is a combination best?
Asked by evegrimm | 21 responses