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Do you think my house is part of my problem?
Asked by Supacase | 24 responses -
What makes you cry?
Asked by seazen | 41 responses -
Who to call? Where to go?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 25 responses -
Is it best to let a depressed person overlseep or should one pressure them to get up?
Asked by Glow | 39 responses -
Why do my parents choose to ignore my depression?
Asked by Feta | 18 responses -
Why do I want to isolate myself?
Asked by Lois0987 | 10 responses -
Can anxiety be a personality trait, and if so, is treating it turning one's back on oneself?
Asked by Mariah | 20 responses -
Do you think/feel like you contribute anything to the world by being alive?
Asked by tinyfaery | 33 responses -
Are you happy?
Asked by Jons_Blond from iPhone | 72 responses -
When you wake up, are you able to choose your mood and attitude for the day?
Asked by gailcalled | 33 responses -
If you're in a relationship with someone who is depressed, how do you deal with it?
Asked by Jude | 48 responses -
Jellies who know: How is Depression (the mental health condition) different from feeling depressed?
Asked by geeky_mama | 16 responses -
How do you treat friends with major depression or other mental illness?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 13 responses -
What was your darkest moment?
Asked by Jude | 40 responses -
How do I approach my controlling, manipulative mother about her behavior without damaging our relationship?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 52 responses -
Men: Do you look forward to Valentine's Day?
Asked by jonsblond | 26 responses -
How do I deal with other people's reaction to my diagnosis?
Asked by keobooks | 21 responses -
Is this considered a mental issue or a guilt issue...I don't know? (this is long but PLEASE read)
Asked by Brie | 16 responses -
"When I'm feeling low, it really cheers me up to have a new ---"?
Asked by Jeruba | 32 responses -
Should I just quit my job because it is making me extremely unhappy?
Asked by Jellie | 30 responses -
How is bullying any different today than it was 10, 20, 30 years ago?
Asked by poofandmook | 63 responses -
For much of my life I was told I was stupid and bad. How can I stop believing it?
Asked by LeavesNoTrace | 16 responses -
Have you ever felt like you were dying inside?
Asked by FluffyChicken | 42 responses -
Can you offer some cheerful advice?
Asked by sjmc1989 | 62 responses -
How can I be more "alpha"?
Asked by Indiana_Bones | 48 responses