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I have a friend who thinks business owners should be able to turn away customers for any reason, and choose who they want to do business with. Do you think he's crazy?
Asked by rockfan | 24 responses -
What is the word for atheists discriminating against theists and vice versa?
Asked by flo | 16 responses -
How can it be that in this, 'The Information Age', 77% of the human population is living in countries with a high or very high overall level of restrictions on religion?
Asked by ibstubro | 23 responses -
What if we taught the history of hate?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 30 responses -
Any ideas for films related to workplace diversity or discrimination?
Asked by answerjill | 25 responses -
Have you ever been to St. Louis, Missouri, and did you find racial tensions there particularly high, pre-"Ferguson".
Asked by ibstubro | 18 responses -
How do you deal with discrimination/hate?
Asked by Eggie | 9 responses -
Have you ever been discriminated against?
Asked by UnholyThirst | 58 responses -
Do you think that being on the receiving end of discrimination and oppression makes you less likely to oppress others?
Asked by ragingloli | 9 responses -
Will all my questions continue to be deleted?
Asked by spykenij | 5 responses -
If a business provided a special free service to one or more customers without offering the same service to all customers, could the business be guilty of violating Federal discrimination laws?
Asked by kritiper | 10 responses -
Why don't men wear pearls?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 32 responses -
Can racially tolerant whites help end racism?
Asked by ETpro | 35 responses -
Is stereotyping of Southern small towns just as wrong as stereotyping by race or sexual orientation?
Asked by ETpro | 12 responses -
If discrimination and segregation is hidden now, what was the point of having it publically outlawed?
Asked by annabee | 54 responses -
Can a store refuse to sell me alcohol because I'm from a different state?
Asked by Luke86 | 8 responses -
Does this count as age or wealth discrimination?
Asked by cutiepi92 | 13 responses -
Are tattoos/body modification becoming more acceptable and tolerated in professional settings?
Asked by desiree333 | 34 responses -
Is sexism still a problem for you, these days?
Asked by burntbonez | 22 responses -
Can a government worker demand only one form of I.D.? (U.S. law, details inside.)
Asked by bookish1 | 25 responses -
What, if anything, is done to enforce laws regarding what employers can't fire employees over?
Asked by Mariah | 10 responses -
Can employers fire people because of how they voted?
Asked by flo | 50 responses -
Should entities (religious or otherwise) who receive Federal funding be allowed to discriminate?
Asked by Rarebear | 38 responses -
I am 35 weeks pregnant and been put on bed rest for pre-term labor. Can my employer legally fire me?
Asked by Jade9191 | 4 responses -
Would you be offended by this?
Asked by Paradox25 | 30 responses