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Does "Flattening the Curve" mean less infection? Or just inevitable but slow approaching infection-for-all?
Asked by Kraigmo | 15 responses -
Do you know anyone on the front lines?
Asked by KNOWITALL | 21 responses -
Does it seem Donald Trump is thinking more like a reality TV show host with his plans for Easter Sunday?
Asked by mazingerz88 from iPhone | 9 responses -
What other (than into elbow,) way is best to sneeze /cough especially in public?
Asked by flo | 15 responses -
Here in Canada the W.H.O just declared Covid19 a global pandemic, what are you thoughts ?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 56 responses -
What would it mean if 10-20% of humanity died in the next five years.
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 24 responses -
Do you live in mortal fear that you are going to contract and die from the Coronavirus?
Asked by josie | 65 responses -
How long after applying hand sanitizer does it remain effective at killing most harmful bacteria?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 7 responses -
Has the threat of "Novel Coronavirus" or Covid-19 caused you to change your habits in any way?
Asked by jca2 | 14 responses -
Where are you getting your information about COVID-19?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 110 responses -
Does wearing a mask really help in preventing the spread of an infectious disease?
Asked by janbb | 22 responses -
Any home remedies, tips or tricks for getting a kidney stone to flush out?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 14 responses -
Why do some people sniffle all day long instead of just taking 2 Sudafeds and 1 Claritin, and being done with it?
Asked by Kraigmo | 14 responses -
If the western explorers infections decimated the native Americans why didn't the reverse happen to the Europeans?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 16 responses -
What do you use to clean the toilet bowl?
Asked by josie from iPhone | 34 responses -
What is the difference between infection, disease, illness, etc.?
Asked by flo | 9 responses -
Do you know that, in the case of a liver transplant, if you don't take 6 months of abstinence before being admitted to an hospital, you could REALLY die for Alcoholic Liver Disease?
Asked by luigirovatti | 21 responses -
Would you bake the brownies (Read details)?
Asked by janbb | 18 responses -
How can blood be Rh negative (with no antigens) and (for example) be AB (with AB antigens)?
Asked by JennWithOneN | 6 responses -
Is prediabetes reversible?
Asked by mjohns67 | 13 responses -
How can we avoid kidney failure?
Asked by jmarkov2012 | 7 responses -
Are quail eggs really free from salmonella? Should I give them raw to my dogs?
Asked by Unofficial_Member | 9 responses -
Is pancreatic cancer the most severe, if not what is like a death sentence, even if it's not one of kinds of cancers ?
Asked by flo | 10 responses -
Is there really other methods to kill cancer besides the dreaded chemo?
Asked by MooCows | 15 responses -
Can one transmit disease from reading old books?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 6 responses