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Is Sickle Cell sexually contagious?
Asked by jjosephs | 6 responses -
Is it possible that a medical condition (other than alcoholism) could make a woman drink vodka and smoke pot while driving an SUV with children?
Asked by Quagmire | 30 responses -
If a vaccine were available for the H1N1 virus, would you get innoculated?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic | 28 responses -
Has anyone ever had their kid diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease?
Asked by everval | 5 responses -
How exactly do Vaccines work?
Asked by SarahBeth | 18 responses -
Does anyone else around here have a rare or chronic disease?
Asked by essieness | 61 responses -
What is Black Bone syndrome in chickens?
Asked by Milladyret | 8 responses -
Can somebdy refuse medical treatment when it comes to a pandemic ?
Asked by Staalesen | 26 responses -
What happens if my school shuts down during AP Exams because of swine flu?
Asked by aisyna | 8 responses -
Now swine flu? what events or pandemics (past or present) scare you into taking cover?
Asked by charliecompany34 | 31 responses -
In light of the possible swine flu pandemic, will you be taking any precautions?
Asked by Master | 46 responses -
Is there a panic in your area regarding "swine flu"?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic | 19 responses -
Can you catch anything from sweat?
Asked by casheroo | 19 responses -
Why do so many people believe that alternative medicine can cure practically any disease?
Asked by mattbrowne | 105 responses -
Are there any diseases that are communicable between cats and people?
Asked by andrew | 18 responses -
Could you catch anything if your partner did this to you ?
Asked by sandystrachan | 47 responses -
What is this pain I'm having?
Asked by ubersiren | 29 responses -
What diseases will we be able to cure within the next 20 years?
Asked by mattbrowne | 18 responses -
President Obama eased restrictions on stem cell research on Monday and I was wondering what people's opinions might be on this.
Asked by Bluefreedom | 46 responses -
How the hell do I obtain a rabies vaccine?
Asked by girlofscience | 11 responses -
Why is a genetic disorder not considered a disease?
Asked by Elumas | 10 responses -
Herpes: a question that may affect the rest of my life...
Asked by alterego | 67 responses -
Do you believe that alcoholism is a disease?
Asked by pplufthesun | 69 responses -
How awesome is Bill Gates?
Asked by Sakata | 51 responses -
Is there any way to change hypoglycemia to hyperglycemia?
Asked by Sakata | 31 responses