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What are my rights as a mother?
Asked by Brenna_o from iPhone | 8 responses -
How do you qualify for alimony in TN when you divorce?
Asked by MooCows | 6 responses -
How to prepare for a divorce without having financial resources?
Asked by Kardamom from iPhone | 14 responses -
What would you attribute to as most common reason for people getting divorce?
Asked by imrainmaker | 18 responses -
I married young due to pregnancy and have met someone else. What should I do?
Asked by abhilashapuri | 11 responses -
Has anyone gotten divorced from 30 years of marriage and around 60 years old?
Asked by MooCows | 6 responses -
Are there any gals that have gotten divorced after 30 or more years of marriage?
Asked by MooCows | 10 responses -
Do you have dating advice for Anthony Scaramucci?
Asked by filmfann | 12 responses -
Why would someone go and tattle on my mom to the Roman Catholic Church?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 23 responses -
Sticky wedding etiquette question (details beneath)?
Asked by janbb | 25 responses -
Does it drive you crazy when your friends obsess about exes who were terrible to them?
Asked by Kardamom | 20 responses -
Do Spousal Social security benefits stop after divorce?
Asked by joejoe13 | 17 responses -
What is fair for a child who is split between two homes for school holidays?
Asked by tan253 | 19 responses -
Did you know that women file for divorce 2/3rds of the time? Is that surprising?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 14 responses -
How can I get part of my husbands pension in a divorce?
Asked by nblueSongs | 11 responses -
Anyone with advice on how to deal with ex's and split parenting?
Asked by tan253 | 25 responses -
Can you help me with a difficult Thanksgiving problem?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 94 responses -
How should I deal with my father in this situation (see details)?
Asked by JeSuisRickSpringfield | 14 responses -
My mom ran away and I'm not sure what to do?
Asked by Lulu4500 from iPhone | 28 responses -
Will the US, and Western culture generally, ever be able to shed the white, male, bias?
Asked by ibstubro | 7 responses -
Any advice for a divorced parent about to deal with school holidays?
Asked by tan253 | 6 responses -
Do you believe that your marriage is divorce proof?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 18 responses -
Married Jellies: If something were to happen to your spouse (death, divorce, alien abduction), do you think you would remarry again?
Asked by cookieman from iPhone | 21 responses -
What factors do YOU think have contributed to the increasing divorce rates since the 70's?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 56 responses -
Instead of saying my wife was previously married, is it okay to call her a "rescue"?
Asked by filmfann | 23 responses