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What does it mean to dream about someone you like?
Asked by CaRoLBby | 93 responses -
Are red cardinals a symbol of death or afterlife in any way?
Asked by Trustinglife | 106 responses -
You are sitting on Santa's lap. What do you ask for?
Asked by jonsblond | 75 responses -
Why can't we just make asking questions about dream interpretation against the rules?
Asked by deni | 84 responses -
Is there a career/job that you have always wanted, but know that you will probably never be able to have?
Asked by erichw1504 | 63 responses -
Do blind people see as we do when they dream?
Asked by trickface | 8 responses -
Why doesn't technology work properly in dreams?
Asked by Harp | 22 responses -
Asked by Kiwano from iPhone | 9 responses -
How do you reinvent yourself?
Asked by nebule | 27 responses -
I am 30, jobless, unemployed, and still living with parents, despite all my potential. Is there still hope, or not?
Asked by niki | 64 responses -
What did you do in order to start the year 2010 on the right foot?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 37 responses -
NSFW question for you if you're attracted to only one gender: do you ever have dreams about the gender you're not attracted to?
Asked by Mariah | 31 responses -
If you didn't end up working in the field you trained for, how did you acquire the knowledge to work in your field of employment?
Asked by Jeruba | 14 responses -
If you're born blind, do you see in your dreams?
Asked by BadPrices | 21 responses -
If you could grant someone a wish, what three rules would you have?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 27 responses -
What are people looking for when they ask what a dream means?
Asked by nikipedia | 41 responses -
Why do we wake up when our dreams get too scary?
Asked by nebule | 28 responses -
Do dreams impel you to action?
Asked by bookish1 | 8 responses -
[NSFW] How different are they?
Asked by bookish1 | 25 responses -
What job do you most fantasize of doing?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 72 responses -
Have you ever gazed in the darkness?
Asked by UnholyThirst | 69 responses -
Why do I always take off one sock in my sleep?
Asked by aaronbeekay | 28 responses -
What is your vision of a better world?
Asked by Jonathan_hodgkins | 53 responses -
Which is worse; Wanting something you can't have? Or having something you don't particularly want?...
Asked by Judi | 26 responses -
Does your dream-self have any particular idiosyncrasies?
Asked by Mariah | 30 responses