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Have you ever time traveled while intoxicated?
Asked by silverfly | 24 responses -
Need recommendation for an outdoor bar on Boston waterfront. Any advice?
Asked by davbet27 | 5 responses -
What well drinks should I order?
Asked by WCUBassBone1 | 26 responses -
I need an alcoholic punch recipe.
Asked by InspecterJones | 23 responses -
Is rainwater safe to drink?
Asked by john65pennington | 33 responses -
Can a repeat dui offender just move to another state?
Asked by trailsillustrated | 10 responses -
What is considered a "man's drink" at a bar?
Asked by JesusWasAJewbot | 86 responses -
Have you ever hosted a disastrous party?
Asked by Mat74UK | 14 responses -
How can I not fall asleep while drinking?
Asked by SteveOOO | 8 responses -
What wine would you pair with a Virginia ham?
Asked by aprilsimnel | 11 responses -
How often does your s/o go out without you, if ever?
Asked by Sophief | 57 responses -
Should I avoid all contact or not?
Asked by Sophief | 29 responses -
Why, do you suppose, drinking "in public" is illegal in most states?
Asked by JeanPaulSartre | 29 responses -
Why do alcoholic beverages not have nutritional information or ingredients lists printed on them?
Asked by Anaphase | 10 responses -
When I drink anything with liquor in it, I turn red and get splotchy. What is going on?
Asked by bellusfemina | 10 responses -
When you tell a person who doesn't drink that he or she should drink, do you actually mean that?
Asked by AnonymousWoman | 21 responses -
Why do old-time beer cans/jugs/bottles have "XXX" printed on them?
Asked by Arp | 8 responses -
Should I buy citrus locally or online?
Asked by peachpit | 7 responses -
Do you find that different varieties of alcoholic beverages affect your mood in different ways?
Asked by Jude | 22 responses -
Are there any alcoholic drinks with a flavor you actually enjoy?
Asked by Sarcasm | 76 responses -
Will going out with someone who goes out drinking a few times a week work out?
Asked by Coting | 22 responses -
Why do people think that citing a worse offense somehow excuses their transgressions?
Asked by YARNLADY | 14 responses -
What do you normally drink with whiskey?
Asked by Jude | 47 responses -
I'm worried about her, do you think she has a drinking problem?
Asked by desiree333 | 17 responses -
I get drunk easily, is that because I am Asian? (more inside)
Asked by jazzjeppe | 24 responses