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How to overcome first time driving nerves?
Asked by Kenyan from iPhone | 12 responses -
You thought driving while texting was bad? What about this?
Asked by filmfann | 23 responses -
What songs do you think you sing really well when you're in the car, with the radio turned up?
Asked by jca | 28 responses -
How do you get rid of windshield fog?
Asked by meagan | 15 responses -
If your vehicle quit running....(rest in details)
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 13 responses -
Travel suggestions for Yellowstone / Tetons & Glacier?
Asked by Jonathan_hodgkins | 11 responses -
Would you like to have the opportunity to get a special license to go a little bit faster on the road by car?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 7 responses -
Can fog mess with a GPS?
Asked by KTWBE | 6 responses -
Do you support banning the use of phones while driving?
Asked by AlyxCaitlin | 72 responses -
At highway speeds do you feel safer with a transport truck in front of you, or behind you?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 12 responses -
Would it work if a driver can get a special license to drive faster than the speed limit?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 12 responses -
Why do people drive in broad daylight with their headlights on?
Asked by ParaParaYukiko | 28 responses -
What about your S/O's driving or backseat driving annoys you the most?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 8 responses -
How far is too far to simply work, get a paycheck and die?
Asked by 33nanoseconds | 11 responses -
What should I say or do, if anything at all, to my neighbor who I came very close to running over this morning?
Asked by jca | 8 responses -
Has anyone ever heard of a drive thru liquor store?
Asked by knitfroggy | 46 responses -
Do you feel it's expected to buy/give a new teen driver a car on their 16th birthday?
Asked by hungryhungryhortence | 74 responses -
What is the fascination with NASCAR?
Asked by Ansible1 | 34 responses -
I have my driving test tomorrow. Any pointers?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 22 responses -
How can you present a successful case against a Full Stop court appearance?
Asked by dreamwolf | 13 responses -
What is wrong with my Camaro's power antenna?
Asked by CamaroIROC1986 | 3 responses -
How do you combat a bad windshield day?
Asked by picante | 7 responses -
Do you drive for everybody on the road or do drivers have to drive for you?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 11 responses -
Have you ever taught someone how to drive?
Asked by Ela | 18 responses -
What do you think of the white truck on the right which appears to be set to pass the dump truck?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 18 responses