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Would you still support Obama if he agressively pursued the legalization of recreational marijuana?
Asked by Blondesjon | 64 responses -
How do I build a circle of friends that aren't into drugs and alcohol?
Asked by AskZilla | 9 responses -
How are these suggestions for improving Flint, Michigan, lowering the crime rate and raising the standard of living?
Asked by windex | 13 responses -
Is there an evolutionary explanation for addiction?
Asked by LostInParadise | 8 responses -
Should grandparents rescue teen grandkids from dreadful homes?
Asked by Aster | 15 responses -
Do you think it's okay to try some drugs?
Asked by minnie19 from iPhone | 26 responses -
What would you do? A small moral dilemma.
Asked by cazzie | 33 responses -
Pot or alcohol?
Asked by deni | 24 responses -
With the doping levels used today, will there ever be another Triple Crown Winner?
Asked by ETpro | 9 responses -
What effects do power drinks have on the body?
Asked by MilkyWay | 13 responses -
Can the police open an envelope from the USPS?
Asked by DylanMueller | 83 responses -
Can a teen boy exposed to drug houses and addictions for years do this?
Asked by Aster | 7 responses -
If I get a tattoo of a mushroom will people think I partake of the magic mushroom?
Asked by tinyfaery from iPhone | 25 responses -
I think my local bodega is selling drugs. Am I crazy?
Asked by tko7800 | 14 responses -
What should I do about my current job situation?
Asked by DylanMueller | 12 responses -
Will Incarcerex actually win our War on Drugs?
Asked by ETpro | 9 responses -
Approximately how strong is OxyContin (80 mg)
Asked by Reggz | 8 responses -
Do you let your teens or young adult children smoke or do illegal drugs in your home?
Asked by jca | 19 responses -
What is the best or most efficient antidepressant?
Asked by Reggz | 14 responses -
Will expired morphine still be effective?
Asked by Reggz | 7 responses -
Which is better when it comes to "chilling"?
Asked by likipie | 20 responses -
What are your views on hallucinogenic drugs?
Asked by likipie | 41 responses -
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds: LSD or Just a Song?
Asked by likipie | 29 responses -
Is the NRA for or against legalization of drugs?
Asked by ETpro | 30 responses -
How does self injury (details) affect a pregnancy?
Asked by likipie | 10 responses