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What kind of earplugs should I use?
Asked by Ponderer983 | 12 responses -
Is it an urban myth about spiders/insects crawling into someone's ears?
Asked by SomeoneElse | 23 responses -
HONESTLY: Does anyone think that "plugs" (tribal style wide-guage earings) make a person look better?
Asked by Kraigmo | 81 responses -
Does the cold (wind) make a sound?
Asked by rebbel | 8 responses -
Multiple piercings done in one day, is it possible?
Asked by xTheDreamer | 12 responses -
Which side should I get my lip and ears pierced?
Asked by xTheDreamer | 7 responses -
Are there organisms that don't convert sound energy in order for it to hear the noise?
Asked by rpm_pseud0name | 10 responses -
What is your opinion on what age your daughter can get her ears pierced?
Asked by erichw1504 | 58 responses -
How can I make my ears pop without hurting my brain ?
Asked by partyrock | 6 responses -
Do other people hear my recorded voice or my voice as I hear it myself?
Asked by rebbel | 7 responses -
What is your opinion on piercings?
Asked by blueberry_kid | 45 responses -
Advice for fluid in middle ear?
Asked by Gia33 | 10 responses -
What's my next move on this ear infection?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 15 responses -
Ear congestion and vertigo...ear infection?
Asked by jess22402 | 7 responses -
Are there any safe home remedies for ear wax build up?
Asked by louise_a45 | 11 responses -
Have you ever used an ototek loop? Is it safe?
Asked by poofandmook | 1 response -
Why is this kitten trying to crawl in my ear?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 16 responses -
My mixed breed puppy, Lizzie, is about 10 days shy of 5 months. Would I know if her ears were going to point up by now or is it too soon to tell?
Asked by lillycoyote | 10 responses -
Is vertigo caused by a panic attack?
Asked by tan235 | 21 responses -
0g piercing stuck halfway through ear, how can I push it all the way through without getting a blowout?
Asked by xjustxxclaudiax | 12 responses -
How to get rid of fluid from behind ear drums?
Asked by NostalgicChills | 8 responses -
Why do I have pain in my ear lobe?
Asked by taytaysafreak | 4 responses -
Is anyone here Deaf?
Asked by NostalgicChills | 9 responses -
Anyone have ears that crackle like rice crackles?
Asked by tan235 | 7 responses -
Do I need to see a doctor for a [possibly] ruptured eardrum?
Asked by J0E | 14 responses