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Seal Team Six, The Navy and the good ol' USA - has America regained its sense of pride from their amazing feat?
Asked by _zen_ | 35 responses -
Another first-year Macroeconomics question: see details?
Asked by adr | 1 response -
First-year Macroeconomics question: see details?
Asked by adr | 4 responses -
What are the costs and benefits of the Gold Standard and the Federal Reserve System that is in place today?
Asked by admackbar | 9 responses -
What brand road bike is white with red lettering/stars?
Asked by caly420 | 3 responses -
Why invest in gold and silver?
Asked by mrrich724 | 28 responses -
What can you tell me about "The End of America," and the details in the attached video?
Asked by mrrich724 | 10 responses -
What has been the average annual percentage salary increase in the USA in the last decades?
Asked by jutzfliege | 10 responses -
Why should employee benefits not be taxed?
Asked by LostInParadise | 6 responses -
Should the government focus on ensuring businesses pay their 'fair share' of federal taxes?
Asked by optimisticpessimist | 13 responses -
What if we all lived in Lotos Land? See the details and follow-up questions.?
Asked by WasCy | 15 responses -
Was the US effort in World War II government spending?
Asked by ETpro | 29 responses -
Parents: what did you learn to economize on AFTER the kid was born?
Asked by laureth | 85 responses -
What does the situation in Japan mean for Japanese cars?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 19 responses -
What are the best sources for business research?
Asked by bpeoples | 5 responses -
What percentage of Americans who cannot afford to live do you believe are at fault for their poverty?
Asked by girlofscience | 65 responses -
Why can't we provide everyone on the planet with air, water, food, shelter, and medicine?
Asked by Hobbes | 57 responses -
Of the four largest economies in the World, which is growing fastest?
Asked by ETpro | 4 responses -
Could animals be taught to purchase from us?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 20 responses -
Why do political questions so often boil down to economic issues? Is it healthy?
Asked by caffelatte | 6 responses -
Norwegian Sociologist predicts the US Empire will crumble by 2020. Agree?
Asked by ETpro | 60 responses -
Why did Europe develop industrial capitalism before the Far East did?
Asked by TexasDude | 44 responses -
What is the Lithuanian equivalent of $10 American, in terms of purchasing power?
Asked by Carol | 3 responses -
What was the biggest savings you ever got on the "cash payment no receipt required" discount?
Asked by 12Oaks | 9 responses -
Is the US headed for "hyperinflation?"?
Asked by CaptainHarley | 12 responses