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What is going on with Greece and the Eurozone?
Asked by LostInParadise | 22 responses -
What are some trends that should be under consideration for retirement and why?
Asked by Pied_Pfeffer | 13 responses -
When someone offers to pay for your meal, or hotel, car rental, etc. does that influence what you order?
Asked by LuckyGuy | 34 responses -
When the minimum wage goes up, how does the money cycle change?
Asked by dxs | 54 responses -
What do states do with sales tax that is collected?
Asked by Xsunshinexdust | 11 responses -
In simple terms, and your own opinion what is it going to take to get the economy to where you think it should be?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 35 responses -
Why is my electric utility company offering a renewable energy option?
Asked by LostInParadise | 6 responses -
Assuming the US reduces coal use due to negative externalities, should the US restrict coal exports to China and India who seek to use and build more coal-fired electrical generating plants?
Asked by MedDaimi | 9 responses -
If a fast food worker is entitled to $15 an hour, what are THESE people entitled to?
Asked by ibstubro | 43 responses -
2015 State of the Union Address what are your thoughts?
Asked by Cruiser | 37 responses -
Does Saudi Arabia's refusal to cut oil production amount to economic warfare?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 26 responses -
Are the countries that suffered in the GFC any cheaper to travel to today?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 4 responses -
What books, articles or documentaries really changed the way you thought about activism and/or the world?
Asked by lifeflame | 9 responses -
Would civilization benefit if we did not allow economic factors to override ethical ones?
Asked by rojo | 7 responses -
Are corporations overloaded with useless bureaucrats?
Asked by LostInParadise | 21 responses -
How do you know whether something is a waste of money?
Asked by weeveeship | 10 responses -
Has anyone seen this article on generating energy from seawater?
Asked by Bill1939 | 10 responses -
Free markets and free enterprise. Is there a difference in your mind?
Asked by rojo | 2 responses -
Are there too many churches? (not talking about religion, but talking about economics and overhead costs)
Asked by elbanditoroso | 19 responses -
Gamers: The most destructive battle in online gaming history took place on Monday. Does this make you interested in EVE Online?
Asked by gorillapaws | 28 responses -
What scene from any movie exemplifies the following economics terms?
Asked by sarahhughes1996 | 7 responses -
Most of us know a minimum wage is not a living wage, so in your opinion what would a minimum living wage be for the area that you live in?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 88 responses -
Is the problem with the economy, the poor want a living wage, or the wealthy get paid too much?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 20 responses -
Should local state government (In the US) be able to penalize you for not claiming a tax refund in a timely fashion?
Asked by RandomMrAdam | 47 responses -
Is "Western Civilization" at the end of its course?
Asked by Strauss | 16 responses