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Are the unemployed screwed?
Asked by jerv | 59 responses -
Is there anything you recently gave up to cut your expenses?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 26 responses -
Do you wonder and are you concerned about what the world will be like for your children, relatives or other young people in future decades, presuming they'll be around long after you're gone?
Asked by jca | 25 responses -
What is more important? Americans having more jobs available, or profits being kept in America?
Asked by JLeslie | 49 responses -
What is an acceptable death toll to get the economy up and running?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 27 responses -
Can Native American reservations be raised out of poverty?
Asked by Blueroses | 28 responses -
Are you sure big government stifles economic growth?
Asked by JLeslie | 16 responses -
Do conservatives realize Texas is running a huge deficit when they point out half the recovery jobs are there?
Asked by tedd | 6 responses -
If the cure for Cancer existed via vaccination, would you support the use of it even if it meant putting the drug industry in to debt thus failing other drugs that help support life?
Asked by judochop | 28 responses -
Is God going to save our economy?
Asked by Cruiser | 92 responses -
How is the United States Postal Service going broke when they are government run? I thought the government can't go broke?
Asked by Tenpinmaster | 28 responses -
Should you go to college if you don't know what you want to do?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 23 responses -
How can a Mcdonalds worker in Denmark make $20 an hour, and yet their Big Mac is still cheaper than it is in the US?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 15 responses -
Would a wage increase affect aggregate demand or supply?
Asked by Christina070 | 54 responses -
What are the protest songs nowadays?
Asked by laureth | 13 responses -
Do I give him the letter?
Asked by Seek | 41 responses -
Are you for or against globalization?
Asked by whitetigress | 16 responses -
Why don't we create jobs through infrastructure improvement projects (like during the Great Depression)
Asked by Gabby101 | 11 responses -
Boston or Seattle? Which wins for overall quality of life?
Asked by guitarhero1983 | 20 responses -
How do you survive in this world, during these times?
Asked by Evelyn_475 | 27 responses -
How confident are you in the capabilities of the US government to revert the recession?
Asked by atlantis | 70 responses -
What is life like in Denmark?
Asked by augustlan | 28 responses -
Which tax policy is more fair?
Asked by jerv | 140 responses -
I just got an email to sign a petition to forgive student loan debt, what do you think about that idea?
Asked by JLeslie | 53 responses -
What is broken in the American economy that if fixed would create jobs?
Asked by Zuma | 40 responses