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Is it good to leave rechargable things plugged in?
Asked by GeorgeGee | 7 responses -
Is the electrical buzz that is preceding the thermostat/cooling system kicking in a sign that a component is about to die or that I'm at risk of an electical fire?
Asked by kevbo | 3 responses -
Why are large air conditioners so delicate?
Asked by sharpstick | 3 responses -
Will dual screens (large screens) have enough power in a rather old house?
Asked by delta77 | 7 responses -
Is there something else, other than an electron, that can be used as energy?
Asked by talljasperman | 12 responses -
How does propulsion of diesel and electric (trolley) buses differ?
Asked by lrk | 5 responses -
IPhone 4 first charge time, how long?
Asked by rawrgrr | 10 responses -
How much electricity does a computer use?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 8 responses -
New found powers after being zapped by bolt of lightning, how would you use them?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 11 responses -
Can I hack and extend my Macbook's power cord?
Asked by rexpresso | 4 responses -
How do I connect low voltage outdoor lighting to home electrical?
Asked by pallen123 | 3 responses -
What Should We do when the next Solar Superstorm happen?
Asked by espanyol | 43 responses -
My (soon-to-be-replaced) air conditioner is frequently tripping the circuit breaker in my apartment. What can I do to prevent this?
Asked by drdoombot | 9 responses -
This is really embarassing. But how do I change the temperature on the thermostat in my house?
Asked by eagles22 | 46 responses -
How many amps it takes to kill someone,?
Asked by facing | 7 responses -
Can I charge electricity into my titanium prosthetics?
Asked by Jeenyus | 6 responses -
Is there any science behind this "miracle" product, or is it a complete scam.
Asked by grntwlkr | 44 responses -
Were cooks able to make meringues before we had electricity?
Asked by Val123 | 31 responses -
What passes between an earphone jack and plug?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 6 responses -
HTC Evo portable charger?
Asked by hungerforpizza | 1 response -
What gauge wire to use in rewiring antique light fixtures?
Asked by kelly | 4 responses -
How long does a tazer need to touch someone to have the desired effect?
Asked by RocketSquid | 6 responses -
I need a new 12 volt AC adapter; do amps matter?
Asked by linuxgnuru | 5 responses -
NSFW REAL NSFW Does anyone have any personal experience with using electricity during sex?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 18 responses -
What's that movie where the Zombies say "Braaaaaaains" as they chase people?
Asked by edmann13 | 4 responses