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Where can I find a projector screen that 'dispenses' itself horizontally as opposed to vertically?
Asked by squirbel | 6 responses -
How attached are you to your cell phone? (or other gadget)
Asked by seekingwolf | 25 responses -
Do projectors ask to confirm shutdown twice for a safety reason?
Asked by warpling | 1 response -
What can I record my screen with?
Asked by zachs08 | 9 responses -
Why does carbon attract solder smoke?
Asked by warpling | 4 responses -
What's the most age-inappropriate gift that went through your house this Christmas?
Asked by richardhenry | 45 responses -
Whats a good and reliable external hard drive?
Asked by LKidKyle1985 | 15 responses -
Rewiring digital clocks to make them run faast? (eg- make 24 hours go by in 24 minutes)
Asked by seeweed | 3 responses -
How can i control 4 sprinkler valves so that they actuate sequentially every 2-3 minutes, one at a time?
Asked by seeweed | 2 responses -
What's the difference between LCD screens and Plasma screens?
Asked by jazzjeppe | 7 responses -
Looking for inexpensive MP3 player.
Asked by Raggedy_Ann | 7 responses -
Anyone have a Kindle?
Asked by Supergirl | 22 responses -
What Kind Of Preset Should I Use On Handbrake?
Asked by desiree333 | 2 responses -
Where can I find a cheap handheld GPS?
Asked by jjd2006 | 9 responses -
Has anyone ever noticed that regular television volume is not the same as when you are using your DVD player to watch a movie on your television?
Asked by Bluefreedom | 6 responses -
Is it true that you can update an iPod touch to an iPhone?
Asked by desiree333 | 9 responses -
Which Version Of Handbrake Should I download for Windows?
Asked by desiree333 | 7 responses -
What happens to a comparator when both inputs are equal?
Asked by ryanfaerman | 1 response -
Why do IP phone manufacturers eliminate sidetone?
Asked by bpeoples | 4 responses -
Why do Christmas tree lights go dead during storage every year?
Asked by beccabunny59 | 12 responses -
Wiring up an AC Motor?
Asked by ryanfaerman | 5 responses -
Computer Speakers don't work.
Asked by Raggedy_Ann | 9 responses -
"Can you explain to me why this is happening? We had our cable TV service disconnected (to save $)..."?
Asked by DandyDear711 | 13 responses -
How can I do something like this?
Asked by Theotherkid | 11 responses -
What does fluther think about LCD Price Fixing?
Asked by shadowfelldown | 3 responses