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If a person you owe money to has died, and the deceased DID NOT have a will, do you still have to pay back the loan?
Asked by tabithat | 14 responses -
To what degree is a victim of unfortunate circumstances morally obligated to "be strong" for the people around him/her?
Asked by Mariah | 7 responses -
Is it unethical to use all your vacation time immediately before quitting a job?
Asked by nikipedia | 22 responses -
Is it stealing if you share a portion of an all you can eat meal with a tablemate?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 12 responses -
What's your response to "Money as Debt" (see video)? Is it true that our society is that economically unsustainable and do you agree with its solutions?
Asked by lifeflame | 7 responses -
Could one ethically make decisions for a time-clone of yourself?
Asked by Nullo | 15 responses -
Who's in your Death Note?
Asked by SmashTheState | 29 responses -
Have you ever had an epiphany?
Asked by KeithWilson | 17 responses -
Would you ever consider using the internet to fundraise for your own personal needs?
Asked by RedPowerLady | 26 responses -
Can you explain how Twitter would work for a business?
Asked by syz | 12 responses -
So! Mature cells may be reprogrammed into stem cells. Does this put the stem cell controversy to rest?
Asked by Nullo | 26 responses -
When it comes to questions on ethics, are people honest in their answers, or do they lean more towards answering in a vague PC way so as to not appear in an unflattering way?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 6 responses -
What do you think about atomic bomb?
Asked by Sneki95 | 15 responses -
Ethical gut check: Do you keep a promotion not meant for you?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 17 responses -
Is hell immoral?
Asked by Critter38 | 33 responses -
If deception was used in a discussion, would you want to know?
Asked by prolificus | 62 responses -
Should you go to "battle" for an injustice that only causes you a minor inconvenience?
Asked by wundayatta | 29 responses -
Can you blame people for "evil" behaviour.
Asked by Karandr from iPhone | 8 responses -
Does our republic form of government allow a special ($ cash rich $) segment of our society to "buy" the government that they want?
Asked by UScitizen | 6 responses -
Is how you 'feel' about something a reliable guide to moral values?
Asked by halox0x0 | 16 responses -
In a business environment: Is there any benefit in telling someone when another person speaks ill of them?
Asked by christine215 | 11 responses -
Do you think web culture and values like freedom of speech/freedom of press are seeping into politics?
Asked by bluemukaki | 3 responses -
I may have a lawsuit against former employer, but it's a college where I received a degree. Is this a bad idea?
Asked by maccmann | 6 responses -
I remember once learning that there is a hierarchy among the following: Opinions, Attitudes, Beliefs, Ideals, Values. I don't remember what that hierarchy is or if I've left something out.
Asked by prescottman2008 | 3 responses -
Scrabble ethics? (Nice guy or not?)
Asked by elbanditoroso | 33 responses