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Christians: Why do you want salvation?
Asked by SmashTheState | 84 responses -
If you had nearly limitless power, how would you keep it from corrupting you?
Asked by JeanPaulSartre | 75 responses -
What defines a "good person"?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 23 responses -
How do we learn to separate the action from the actor?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 19 responses -
Are ISIS really just Luke and Han?
Asked by Seek | 50 responses -
Why are inkjet printer ink replacement rackets tolerated by mankind?
Asked by Zaku | 17 responses -
What would you do if an angel came down to you and revealed that you are in fact Satan?
Asked by ragingloli | 43 responses -
What are some functional responses to my concerns? (Or how do I learn to stop worrying and love the bomb?) Or maybe this is a question about vocation.
Asked by kevbo | 28 responses -
What can we tell the children?
Asked by janbb | 34 responses -
If not for compassion or punishment, why not be a selfish bastard?
Asked by Fyrius | 93 responses -
What fictional villain has made an impression on you?
Asked by etignotasanimum | 65 responses -
Do we have an accurate concept of Hitler anymore?
Asked by phoenyx | 40 responses -
Does evil exist?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 123 responses -
Do you think you should have to seek court permission to have sex in your own home?
Asked by ragingloli | 57 responses -
If money is the root to all evil, why can't we get rid of our money system?
Asked by Tenpinmaster | 37 responses -
In your opinion, how did the Nazi party come to national prominence in Germany, and why did the general German population allow the atrocities to occur and continue?
Asked by ibstubro | 25 responses -
The most evil woman in movies/tv is/was?
Asked by ucme | 52 responses -
Do you think people who work for ICE or in the past the Gestapo are inherently evil or does participating in the system make them so?
Asked by janbb | 30 responses -
Should Trump stop talking for a while?
Asked by mazingerz88 from iPhone | 48 responses -
You've just been granted the ability of invisibility; where do you go/what do you do?
Asked by anon | 46 responses -
What is God's role in humanity's understanding of morality?
Asked by absalom | 52 responses -
If the 'evil gene' were actually discovered. What do you think should be done about it?
Asked by TheJoker | 53 responses -
Which was worse: Pearl Harbor or 9/11?
Asked by filmfann | 34 responses -
What are your thoughts and feelings about John Oliver forgiving $15 million dollars of medical debt?
Asked by Zaku | 4 responses -
Why are people obsessed with money?
Asked by mirza | 67 responses