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Can white people become black and vice versa?
Asked by obyn | 22 responses -
Why dont slugs have shells?
Asked by noodle_poodle | 21 responses -
Is it an innate attribute of humans to wish to hunt and eat other animals?
Asked by Nially_Bob | 44 responses -
Could religion be considered as a form of information entropy?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 13 responses -
What are your thoughts on "homo luminous"?
Asked by kevbo from iPhone | 22 responses -
Since we lose our baby teeth so young, does it mean that we are living far beyond the age we were originally meant to?
Asked by ubersiren | 20 responses -
The big question. Where did we come from?
Asked by CMaz | 71 responses -
From an evolutionary/developmental standpoint, why would women be able to have multiple orgasms but men, not so much?
Asked by SirBailey | 50 responses -
Gentlemen, in your honest opinion, what is the measure of a man? Ladies, in your honest opinion, what is the measure of a woman?
Asked by Bluefreedom | 31 responses -
Wouldn't it make more sense to be dark-skinned in cold climates and light-skinned in hot ones?
Asked by Izzard | 57 responses -
Is it even possible that the theory of evolution will one day be proved wrong?
Asked by Harold | 28 responses -
Did our ancestors lose their hair over their body much in the same way men these days lose hair on their heads ?
Asked by Myndecho | 7 responses -
Are you a young earth creationist and can you support your stance without referencing any holy texts?
Asked by RareDenver | 91 responses -
What do you think of the new fossil discovery?
Asked by ubersiren | 57 responses -
What, if anything, will happen on 12/21/2012?
Asked by Strauss | 38 responses -
Of what use are negative emotions?
Asked by LostInParadise | 22 responses -
Why are some people under the impression there is scientific evidence against evolution?
Asked by mattbrowne | 71 responses -
Does self-deprecating humor confer a survival advantage on those who use it?
Asked by wundayatta | 8 responses -
“If humans lived eternally, therefore without the most fundamental fear (and of course, without evolution), do you think that faith/belief/religion would still exist?”?
Asked by charis23 | 20 responses -
Has nature ever produced asymmetrical animals?
Asked by AstroChuck from iPhone | 19 responses -
What are the gaps in evolution?
Asked by spresto | 83 responses -
What are some advantages of recessions?
Asked by Pol_is_aware | 36 responses -
Are you a hunter, or a gatherer at heart?
Asked by Zen | 31 responses -
What species, externally, do not symmetric, or nearly so, left and right sides?
Asked by Halliburton_Shill | 31 responses -
Do you think we find morality sexually attractive?
Asked by Jiminez | 45 responses