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Do you have any cool lingo to share?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 7 responses -
Has adulthood lived up to your expectations or assumptions?
Asked by ChocolateReigns | 16 responses -
How do you get experience (job)
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 10 responses -
Do people still 'Job shadow'?
Asked by Blackberry | 10 responses -
How would you answer the following question: "Why am I me?"?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 52 responses -
How do I make the most out of the college experience?
Asked by jhodgkins | 11 responses -
Happy event from 2008?
Asked by Snoopy | 45 responses -
Can any female, possibly be a better Secret Service Officer, than even a less mentally capable man?
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 29 responses -
What advice do you have for Support Specialists?
Asked by henrypowers1420 | 5 responses -
What are you greatly talented at?
Asked by kyle94481 | 47 responses -
Have you experienced roller coaster of emotions?
Asked by imrainmaker | 8 responses -
"We all love to instruct, though we can teach only what is not worth knowing." Agree or disagree?
Asked by le_inferno | 19 responses -
Has anyone had a Great Dane as a pet?
Asked by jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities | 29 responses -
How does internet "friendliness" vary by age?
Asked by wundayatta | 23 responses -
Why would I want to go in the chat room?
Asked by marinelife | 26 responses -
How do you choose a new Obgyn?
Asked by preggers | 26 responses -
Are career politicians more helpful or hurtful?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 8 responses -
Is working at McDonald's a worthwhile summer job?
Asked by nuclearbob | 25 responses -
What is the best, most inspiring restaurant experience you've ever had, and why?
Asked by afghanhound | 12 responses -
Do you have experience with Supernatural occurances?
Asked by Chocobunni | 6 responses -
Has anyone ever been through such situation?
Asked by 9doomedtodie | 10 responses -
Have you ever had an experience that you thought was going to be wholly unpleasant that ended up being pretty swell?
Asked by Spirit_of_the_Nomad | 26 responses -
Do you feel that there is a psychology to poverty?
Asked by Schroedes13 | 12 responses -
How do you get to know yourself?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 15 responses -
How did you discover Fluther?
Asked by Whitsoxdude | 19 responses