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If you have rented a car at the Orlando airport, which company did you use? How was your experience? Would you recommend them?
Asked by tedibear | 9 responses -
How do people who have had serious strokes relate to the world?
Asked by peridot | 10 responses -
Care to share some experiences when it comes to travelling alone?
Asked by tups | 7 responses -
How do you feel about unpaid internships?
Asked by cutiepi92 | 22 responses -
So, how was your week?
Asked by Berserker | 67 responses -
Any Primary/Montessori school teachers here?
Asked by snapdragon24 | 3 responses -
How would you respond if someone told you that they just became enlightened?
Asked by bookish1 | 50 responses -
My favorite shoes are about to bite the dust - Help!
Asked by RandomGirl | 9 responses -
What is one thing you were looking forward to, and when it finally happened it was a total let down?
Asked by lici92 | 29 responses -
What is the best, most inspiring restaurant experience you've ever had, and why?
Asked by afghanhound | 12 responses -
Have you lived in another country besides your native country?
Asked by burntbonez | 14 responses -
NSFW Outdoor "frolic:" where have you done it?
Asked by wundayatta | 26 responses -
What is the strangest sandwich combination you've ever eaten?
Asked by Sunny2 | 16 responses -
Did you ever find out who you are?
Asked by AshLeigh from iPhone | 36 responses -
Which of these senses is chief: Sight, Hearing, Touch, Smell/Taste?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 18 responses -
What chocolate dishes have you made?
Asked by TheobromosHumper | 11 responses -
What are the benefits from traveling?
Asked by pleiades | 12 responses -
What can you tell me about Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy? (Details).
Asked by Ayesha | 9 responses -
What is the first time doing anything that sticks out most in your mind?
Asked by burntbonez | 13 responses -
How to really break-out from the "don't have related Degree, can't have job" trapping dilemma?
Asked by niki | 7 responses -
What is the first religious experience you can remember?
Asked by burntbonez | 14 responses -
What can I do to stand out in my teachers college application?
Asked by oatmeal1642 | 7 responses -
Your first date?
Asked by Luiveton | 25 responses -
How well do you remember what it was like to be young?
Asked by wundayatta | 9 responses -
Do you have first hand experience of a bush fire?
Asked by Bellatrix | 7 responses