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Do you judge people with messy homes?
Asked by laureth | 46 responses -
Do you have people in your life who check in on you?
Asked by cookieman from iPhone | 25 responses -
What is your sphere of influence over family, friends and colleagues?
Asked by wundayatta | 15 responses -
Okay, long, possibly complicated question about independence issues w/ desi ('Indian') parents.
Asked by saska | 24 responses -
Five months pregnant and diagnosed with cancer - what to do?
Asked by LunaChick | 22 responses -
How do you tell your 5 year old son that his mother is never coming home?
Asked by Holden_Caulfield | 25 responses -
If you could save your best dreams in a jar would you fill all the shelves in your storage cellar? Which would be the one you go back to open most often?
Asked by SherlockPoems | 32 responses -
Can you tell us about your dad on this Fathers' Day?
Asked by jca2 | 21 responses -
How do we form such strong attachments to people on the internet?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 26 responses -
My mom ran away and I'm not sure what to do?
Asked by Lulu4500 from iPhone | 28 responses -
When is it time to let a terminally ill child go?
Asked by ChocolateCoveredStarfish | 19 responses -
Can we create the family we never had?
Asked by Shippy | 17 responses -
How do you leave a religion you don't believe in anymore when your whole life is built around it?
Asked by Carly | 22 responses -
Why do some cemeteries have a separate area for children and infants?
Asked by Nimis from iPhone | 23 responses -
What does it feel like to be a widow after 40 years of marriage?
Asked by jonsblond | 19 responses -
Who is the "black sheep" in your family?
Asked by Zacky | 36 responses -
Whether you're childfree / childless by choice or circumstance, how do you experience a fulfilling life without experiencing parenthood?
Asked by prolificus | 63 responses -
How important is your heritage to you?
Asked by MilkyWay | 32 responses -
Can we please take a moment to thank the veterans (and current military folks) present on Fluther?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 18 responses -
Should we allow our 15 year old daughter to get a job?
Asked by augustlan | 107 responses -
Men: What have you desired to do, but haven't done, because it is considered "unmanly" according to your or others' standards?
Asked by prolificus from iPhone | 37 responses -
How do you cope when someone you love survives a brain injury and they will never be the person they once were?
Asked by jonsblond | 30 responses -
Do you know someone who is baffled by their inability to snag a long term partner, but the reasons are quite clear to you?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 133 responses -
I asked my cousin if he was gay today. It didn't go well. What should I do now?
Asked by ubersiren | 80 responses -
What would be a good way to tell the expecting grandparents?
Asked by casheroo | 58 responses