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Should I forgive my mom?
Asked by vimead1 | 18 responses -
How do I stop my head injured sister from meeting some guy she "met" on
Asked by tranquilsea | 51 responses -
I want to move out, but I know I can't quite yet. Any advice?
Asked by Chongalicious | 87 responses -
When you hire a teenaged girl to babysit, who drives her home?
Asked by augustlan | 72 responses -
Can you tell me a story about someone who was very close to you who wound up not being the person you thought?
Asked by JLeslie | 7 responses -
Can men get emotionally attached to sex like women do when they sleep with someone ?
Asked by partyrock | 26 responses -
In-laws do not invite us on trips- should I be mad?
Asked by BBSDTfamily from iPhone | 26 responses -
Where are the Ghosts of your Christmases Past today?
Asked by janbb | 7 responses -
"When you're here, you're family" - where is that place for you?
Asked by janbb | 23 responses -
How long before you notice someone is gone? How long is it that you think before others will notice you're gone?
Asked by wundayatta | 19 responses -
For those of you who have lost a loved one, how do you get through the holidays?
Asked by Jude | 16 responses -
If you and your partner + kids have lived with your parents or in-laws for some time and then moved out, how did it work out?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 19 responses -
I was told I was a twin, but I do not know if this is true?
Asked by Just_Justine | 40 responses -
When a religious organization such as Birthright helps a pregnant woman, what good is it if they won't support the baby until it's grown?
Asked by jca | 13 responses -
Upon really stressful and overwhelming moments, how do you deal with living with and/or taking care of a close loved one who is sick and dying?
Asked by Vunessuh | 11 responses -
When a tradition died in your family were you to blame or would you ascribe the blame to someone else's actions?
Asked by DaphneT | 14 responses -
Should we ask for gas money?
Asked by ManicPixieDreamGirl | 15 responses -
Family on facebook, yes or no?
Asked by awomanscorned | 28 responses -
If a married person fools around with another person (an unmarried person), is the other person just as wrong as the adulterer?
Asked by jca | 53 responses -
Has religion ever hampered you ability to have a conversation with someone?
Asked by vampmoore | 37 responses -
Have you "quit" Facebook? When and Why?
Asked by serenityNOW | 21 responses -
When is grieving the hardest for you (please read the details)?
Asked by jonsblond | 27 responses -
What terrific, wonderful objective qualities do you love in your child?
Asked by zensky | 14 responses -
Would you call 911 if your relative was seen on surveillance photo for bank robbery?
Asked by Tropical_Willie | 26 responses -
How can I get my sister to get over me being gay?
Asked by DesireeCassandra | 45 responses