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Any websites that will allow me to download free games to play offline?
Asked by sandystrachan | 4 responses -
Is rated PG 13 today as intense as rated R was in the 70's when i a was a teenager?
Asked by marcosthecuban | 33 responses -
Quality time with your teens. Describe yours.
Asked by Zen_Again | 8 responses -
Americans, care to comment on November 24th this year?
Asked by smilingheart1 | 10 responses -
Did either you or your spouses relationship change with your family when you got serious with a spouse?
Asked by willbrawn from iPhone | 2 responses -
How would you feel if your spouse spent the night at her family's often?
Asked by chelle21689 from iPhone | 13 responses -
How did our parents survive?
Asked by jholler from iPhone | 28 responses -
Am I a bad and selfish sister for refusing favors?
Asked by chelle21689 | 23 responses -
Are there any negative traits that you picked up from either one of your parents?
Asked by Jude | 25 responses -
Is it better to try & keep someone "innocent" or let them figure things out on their own?
Asked by seventeen123 | 23 responses -
If you had a friend who is a surgeon, pilot, or school bus driver, and you are pretty sure he is an alcoholic, would you tell?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 25 responses -
If you worked in the family business and members of the family was commiting crimes would you figure it out?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 8 responses -
What do I do about my 26 yr. old son?
Asked by dvchuck | 13 responses -
Do I have the right to call these people my family, too?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 13 responses -
Best way to surprise someone?
Asked by sarahsugs | 11 responses -
When is it okay to date your friend's significant other?
Asked by chelle21689 | 17 responses -
Considering the demographics shift, what are you doing to plan for retirement?
Asked by laureth | 30 responses -
What do you do on saturdays or the weekend?
Asked by charliecompany34 | 19 responses -
What are other ways to raise money for a family in need?
Asked by Trance24 | 12 responses -
Did you ever realize, when you became an adult, that the "love" you thought you were getting from your family when you were growing up was not love at all?
Asked by SirBailey | 9 responses -
When did you finally decide to break down and buy the ... <music playing> dum dum duuuuuum ... MINIVAN?
Asked by Sakata | 10 responses -
What do you think of the mother of the octopulets?
Asked by LouisianaGirl | 27 responses -
Don't you hate it when multiple family members wind in the hospital within weeks of each other?
Asked by NinaBeena | 10 responses -
Is it possible for an adoptee born in Michigan after 1981 to get their original birth certificate?
Asked by gravitas | 17 responses -
What would you consider a reasonable length of time for someone to 'get up on their feet' and move on/out?
Asked by christine215 | 20 responses