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Suppose for just a second that missing flight MH370 is a lead in for some over the top reality show?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 9 responses -
Where would you want to live?
Asked by wrestlemaniac | 27 responses -
What is the word for...
Asked by rhodes54 | 24 responses -
What kind of King or Queen would you be?
Asked by stump | 18 responses -
What century should I base my historical fiction on?
Asked by ScottyMcGeester | 2 responses -
Opinions on Avatar, (the movie)
Asked by 15barcam | 58 responses -
What mythology has JK Rowling borrowed from other sources to construct the saga of Harry Potter?
Asked by Berserker | 10 responses -
It's good to be King? Is it now?! If I were King, I'd...
Asked by _zen_ | 9 responses -
"I could rule the world!" "I could change the world!" Are they really any different?
Asked by josie | 8 responses -
What is your favorite fantasy/fiction book/series?
Asked by babybadger | 20 responses -
Whats your favorite movie?
Asked by Nicole18 | 44 responses -
Any suggestions of websites for fantasy desktop wallpapers?
Asked by HGl3ee | 5 responses -
Who do you fantasize fighting a great battle with and can you describe it too?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 38 responses -
Biology Related Question for a Science-fantasy Story?
Asked by BB8ISGREATMATE | 7 responses -
What would the first thing be that you would do as vampire?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 20 responses -
If you were a fly for 24 hours, how would you spend the day?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 13 responses -
What original creature of fantasy could your imagination conjure?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 6 responses -
What is your favourite Fantasy Work of Art / Artist?
Asked by Anatelostaxus | 18 responses -
Did you ever pretend to be someone you are not online?
Asked by wundayatta | 19 responses -
okay I've been meaning to ask and I need both side opinion!! What does it take for someone to have a threesome? And if in a relationship, why does it have to be someone your girl/boy friend don't know? Why can't it be a friend u like or a friend of ur girl/boy friend?
Asked by Yogi from iPhone | 8 responses -
Any idea what this fictionpress story is?
Asked by flash74686 | 4 responses -
Any great movie you wish you had been in as an actor?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 8 responses -
Quick, what do you do? (#2)
Asked by Foolaholic | 7 responses -
Let's pretend that, for one week, you are the recipient of a "BRUCE ALMIGHTY" gift from God. So what do you do?
Asked by JackAdams | 53 responses -
Do Grim Reapers exist?
Asked by 9doomedtodie | 19 responses