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Nerd question for all you RPGers out there...
Asked by jtvoar16 | 17 responses -
How many of you guys play D&D?`?
Asked by jtvoar16 | 47 responses -
If you had an extra room in your home, what would you do with it, barring any financial restrictions?
Asked by eatmunky | 39 responses -
Where can I find fantasy art online?
Asked by acebamboo77 | 13 responses -
What was the last good book you read and why?
Asked by madsmom1030 | 38 responses -
Name of Isaac Bashevis Singer short story?
Asked by priority | 1 response -
What would you do if you didn't have to work?
Asked by La_chica_gomela | 19 responses -
What features would your dream house have?
Asked by jca | 24 responses -
Why is there so much unimaginative fantasy?
Asked by Hobbes | 37 responses -
You are informed by Gawd that you may ask ONLY THREE questions and that they will be honestly/factually answered. So, what do you ask?
Asked by JackAdams | 36 responses -
What exactly is Fantasy Football?
Asked by writerini | 11 responses -
You acquire possession of "that" stopwatch. How do you utilize it?
Asked by JackAdams | 26 responses -
Can you see the Invisible Man's feces?
Asked by JackAdams | 15 responses -
Favorite scene from your fave horror movie and why? Which movie or scene still scares you, even if you've seen it many times?
Asked by deaddolly | 64 responses -
Would YOU press the red button?
Asked by JackAdams | 33 responses -
How many times has Buffy died?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 58 responses -
What is Games Workshop doing?
Asked by Hobbes | 7 responses -
Let's pretend that, for one week, you are the recipient of a "BRUCE ALMIGHTY" gift from God. So what do you do?
Asked by JackAdams | 53 responses -
Why is it, that in some live-action performances of "Peter Pan", a female is chosen to play the male/lead character?
Asked by JackAdams | 26 responses -
Does anyone wanna do a fantasy football league?
Asked by simone54 | 5 responses -
Where would you want to live?
Asked by wrestlemaniac | 27 responses -
Who is your favorite lord of the rings character?
Asked by wrestlemaniac | 29 responses -
How would you finish this day?
Asked by judyprays | 26 responses -
What William Gibson Books should I get?
Asked by pplufthesun | 3 responses -
What's the ultimate thing that could happen to you in the next 10 minutes?
Asked by judyprays | 15 responses