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What jewelry to match a pink and black gown?
Asked by Philosophile | 20 responses -
What to wear with these boots?
Asked by blueberry_kid | 10 responses -
Why do kids walk around with their pants falling down?
Asked by CugelTheClueless | 35 responses -
Does anyone know what this word "pimplico" might mean?
Asked by DaphneT | 5 responses -
Do you French-Tip your toenails?
Asked by Ela | 26 responses -
What are some light and comfortable Summer shoes I can wear with shorts?
Asked by Blackberry | 18 responses -
How to not look so innocent?
Asked by chelle21689 | 38 responses -
Are tube tops skanky?
Asked by Finley | 26 responses -
What is the best thing to wear on the first date?
Asked by blueberry_kid | 16 responses -
Is it okay for me to wear heels to school?
Asked by blueberry_kid | 22 responses -
What does it mean in measuring terms to not exceed ten inches across?
Asked by whitecarnations | 5 responses -
What is this 1960's fashion style called? Pictures inside.
Asked by partyrock | 21 responses -
What do I wear to a wedding that's in Chicago during November?
Asked by Carly | 11 responses -
How do I wash a pleated skirt?
Asked by partyrock | 21 responses -
I want a custom leather jacket, any help?
Asked by shniernan | 12 responses -
What's the best method for printing a design on a t shirt?
Asked by AshlynM | 3 responses -
Do you know people who are not into wearing jeans?
Asked by whitecarnations | 25 responses -
Ladies: What are your rules and preferences for men wearing baseball caps?
Asked by YoKoolAid | 16 responses -
Are there certain fashions that are off limits for men or women of a certain age?
Asked by SuperMouse | 24 responses -
With your hair color/eye color combo, what colors look best on you?
Asked by Jude | 22 responses -
Ladies what is the best way to put perfume on?
Asked by partyrock from iPhone | 20 responses -
Do women associate leopard print clothing with sexiness? And if so why?
Asked by YoKoolAid | 20 responses -
What is the meaning of "Sensational Elevation" (fashion)
Asked by rmoses1 | 3 responses -
Caption competition! Name that acronym caption to the news photo (#5 and last).
Asked by rebbel | 17 responses -
What are the best shirt colors for wearing with light gray khaki shorts?
Asked by Blackberry | 19 responses