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NSFW. Is the female population unwittingly modeling themselves on the blow up doll?
Asked by Just_Justine | 49 responses -
Why do they call them "polka dots"?
Asked by josie | 7 responses -
What exactly makes us think that we have any say in what other people wear?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 24 responses -
If it was currently the year 2100, what questions would be asked on Fluther?
Asked by chocolatechip | 23 responses -
How come aliens barely ever wear clothing?
Asked by Berserker | 25 responses -
Why do fat people wear clothes that are too tight?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 102 responses -
Why does individualism require validity from a collective?
Asked by Riser | 18 responses -
Are there certain fashions that are off limits for men or women of a certain age?
Asked by SuperMouse | 24 responses -
HONESTLY: Does anyone think that "plugs" (tribal style wide-guage earings) make a person look better?
Asked by Kraigmo | 81 responses -
How old is too old for a woman to have her bra straps showing?
Asked by augustlan | 66 responses -
What do your shoes say about you?
Asked by Deja_vu | 44 responses -
What is your reaction when you see a person wearing a t-shirt with a pro-gay slogan on it?
Asked by Carly | 69 responses -
Is peer pressure, to some extent, facilitated by parents?
Asked by Gremlin | 12 responses -
Do you wear tie-dye? Do you still wear tie-dye?
Asked by Jeruba | 34 responses -
Do you feel vulnerable if you wear a skirt and heels while out by yourself?
Asked by MrsDufresne | 147 responses -
Can someone please explain pink camoflauge to me?
Asked by tinyfaery | 55 responses -
NSFW- Women, have you ever asked a partner to wear a particular outfit to bed?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 33 responses -
What do you think Victoria's secret is?
Asked by clarice | 34 responses -
Why do ladies insist they look better in tighter clothing?
Asked by ThrallKiller | 84 responses -
What's the perfect lipstick color for a pig?
Asked by charliecompany34 | 22 responses -
Meta Question: What synonyms can we devise for the "privatefacilities" part of jeffgoldblum's moniker?
Asked by janbb | 29 responses -
Does anyone know of a really great website for hairstyle photos?
Asked by Seelix | 11 responses -
Would it be reasonable to wear a noncompulsory uniform everyday?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 22 responses -
Do you think the clothing that is sold for young girls ("tweens") is too sexy and mature for their ages?
Asked by jca | 41 responses -
Female jellies: anyone here tried shaving all their hair off their head?
Asked by lifeflame | 18 responses