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What do you feel when you look at the moon?
Asked by Tbag | 41 responses -
Can I talk to you all about an issue that's near and dear to me and look for some thoughts or advice?
Asked by jca | 27 responses -
Aging: downward slide towards the grave; or a climb through life's experience towards wisdom?
Asked by auntydeb | 21 responses -
Is ignoring someone who hurt you the best offensive weapon?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 31 responses -
What to do for the one for whom you are so totally overwhelmed by love? : )
Asked by CaptainHarley | 31 responses -
Have you ever fallen/wish you could fall in love with the same sex?
Asked by Christian95 | 20 responses -
Is hatred a natural response to fear or is it taught?
Asked by Pandora | 39 responses -
Do you ever blindly follow your instincts?
Asked by filmfann | 14 responses -
Why do guys hide their feelings?
Asked by IzzyAndHerBeans | 31 responses -
Do you feel like you fit the world in which you live?
Asked by ubersiren | 31 responses -
Is it ever helpful in a relationship for a partner to hide their true feelings?
Asked by janbb | 21 responses -
Are you happy?
Asked by Jons_Blond from iPhone | 72 responses -
Have you ever been modded here on Fluther and what did you think of the experience?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 54 responses -
Is the stereotype of the emotionally unavailable man accurate?
Asked by nikipedia | 28 responses -
Do you think my house is part of my problem?
Asked by Supacase | 24 responses -
If you could remove your pain, what would be left?
Asked by seazen_ | 31 responses -
Have you ever been so overwhelmed by something that you wanted to lock yourself in a room and never come out?
Asked by RayaHope | 27 responses -
Describe the physical feeling of being in love, please?
Asked by Jude | 31 responses -
Don't know what to do now, advice? (details inside).
Asked by MilkyWay | 106 responses -
Do you get a kick out of letting someone you don't like know it?
Asked by harple | 28 responses -
Why do we love?
Asked by TheOnlyException | 34 responses -
In all the different areas of your social life (ie: work, family and friendships, online etc) do you ever feel unimportant or invisible?
Asked by OpryLeigh | 21 responses -
What would you do if you knew that the world would end tomorrow?
Asked by jessyamr | 34 responses -
Those who have had a heart attack, what did it feel like?
Asked by ETpro | 6 responses -
Gentlemen, admit it, you've had a man crush before or do right now. Who is he and why?
Asked by erichw1504 | 59 responses