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What does dreaming of washing hair mean?
Asked by frolix | 24 responses -
Is it rude to not open a gift in front of the person who gave it to you?
Asked by furious_rose | 20 responses -
How do you deal with the emotion inferred when you read text in Fluther?
Asked by Bri_L | 12 responses -
What do you think is the worst feeling of all?
Asked by Supacase | 51 responses -
If your friend was feeling down, what would you say to cheer them up?
Asked by Mom2BDec2010 | 11 responses -
How accepting are you of the events that will lead up to your choices?
Asked by GabrielsLamb | 8 responses -
Female Relationships?
Asked by zander101 | 12 responses -
If you were being transferred from a job you were ready to leave, and where you hated the boss, how much of that would you communicate in your goodbye speech?
Asked by jca | 29 responses -
Is there or can there be a physiological reason why people take their anger out on other people?
Asked by nebule | 15 responses -
Have you ever experienced a "defining moment" in your life?
Asked by marinelife | 10 responses -
How do you say "no" to someone who asked you out but they are really sensitive? (see details)
Asked by megzybrahh123 | 15 responses -
Why can't I just be myself without being a doormat?
Asked by spykenij | 14 responses -
Why do people say that it's good to talk about your feelings?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 16 responses -
How to let go when I can't find something?
Asked by zwingli | 12 responses -
How do I figure out my feelings?
Asked by Melody344 | 4 responses -
Do your emotions rule you more than you rule your emotions?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 13 responses -
Don't you hate the Perfecto-fish award?
Asked by rojo | 24 responses -
What is the deepest silence you have ever experienced?
Asked by wundayatta | 28 responses -
What do you find that you often get depressed about? Is there a certain reason that always jumps back at you?
Asked by The_Inquisitor | 9 responses -
Are males born like that?
Asked by Luiveton | 25 responses -
The meaning of saying Your Dead?
Asked by PetLoverHi | 24 responses -
Do you think the world might be better off if we didn't have emotions? (+1 bonus question)
Asked by nikipedia | 21 responses -
Do you do anything differently when your significant other is out of town for more than a few days?
Asked by cyndyh | 25 responses -
Do you ever actually think about physically hurting someone when you're mad, stressed, aggravated etc?
Asked by Blackberry | 22 responses -
How did you feel about graduation?
Asked by wundayatta | 22 responses