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How can I delete files on my desktop and still keep them?
Asked by electricsky | 6 responses -
Who has the best online digital storage?
Asked by workaholic | 6 responses -
What do I change the file type to, to be able to view it?
Asked by boots74 | 5 responses -
Faster CR2-->DNG file converting?
Asked by HeNkiSdaBro | 1 response -
Is it possible to split M3U files ?
Asked by Anatelostaxus | 2 responses -
What is this file?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 2 responses -
When a document is corrupted?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 8 responses -
Why use .tiff file format?
Asked by alexSaysArff | 10 responses -
Why are some file extentions case sensitive?
Asked by johnny0313x | 8 responses -
How do I open Windows Vista themes?
Asked by TooBlue | 4 responses -
How do i send any file like (pdf, exe, doc, etc.) to a DVD?
Asked by jdogg | 2 responses -
What are your thoughts on The Pirate Bay trial/outcome?
Asked by bythebay | 11 responses -
How can i open an animated GIF file?
Asked by madmax303 | 5 responses -
Why can't I and how can I read files on my Macbook?
Asked by mayratapia_ | 4 responses -
With Windows XP, what files go to "RECENT"? How long do they stay there? Where do they go afterwards?
Asked by Mr_M | 2 responses -
How can I work with antiquated audio formats?
Asked by blastfamy | 3 responses -
What are these "SNOVE" folders that are appearing here and there?
Asked by Anatelostaxus | 4 responses -
How do I animate my Twitter avatar?
Asked by Seth | 1 response -
Why is Amazon going to publish 2 articles which result being the same book?
Asked by luigirovatti | 4 responses -
How do I retrieving a version of a file from before a 'save'?
Asked by zina | 4 responses -
How do I make a secure folder in OS X?
Asked by willbrawn from iPhone | 4 responses -
Im having trouble with windows startup. something's wrong...
Asked by manuel_alarcon | 5 responses -
How to split a folder?
Asked by hungerforpizza | 2 responses -
How do I make firefox automatically open downloaded files rather than save them?
Asked by eambos | 5 responses -
How can I protect a word document that I am working on from other computer users?
Asked by pplufthesun | 8 responses