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When does soup stop being soup?
Asked by rebbel | 95 responses -
What is your favorite sandwich?
Asked by Kardamom | 95 responses -
What are some weird & maybe not so wonderful combinations that would make the sandwich from hell?
Asked by ucme | 9 responses -
Different types of chocolate?
Asked by littlekori | 8 responses -
What sort of raspberry jelly is typically found in chocolates?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 6 responses -
How do you repair a lost filling until you can get to a dentist?
Asked by scamp | 14 responses -
Anxious about dentist, allergies to composite fillings?
Asked by Ammolite | 8 responses -
Painful fillings after a month, normal? can a composite filling be filled up more?
Asked by kutelilkat | 35 responses -
My g/f just broke off a piece of her molar. She already had a root canal done on that tooth and had a temporary filling (been there for awhile). If she can't get a crown in the next month of so, is she in trouble?
Asked by Jude | 22 responses -
What are your favorite complicated chocolate cakes?
Asked by TheobromosHumper | 15 responses -
Had any dental fillings lately? Not crowns; fillings.
Asked by Aster | 9 responses -
Where can I eat a tasty sandwich near where you live & what's the choices on offer?
Asked by ucme | 11 responses -
Would you select any of these dental insurance plans?
Asked by livingchoice | 12 responses