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California just passed a $15 minimum wage bill. Does that mean everyone's salary will go up?
Asked by tinyfaery | 95 responses -
What spending/payment habits are best to establish credit with a credit card?
Asked by tonedef | 31 responses -
What's the best way for a government to raise the revenues it needs to govern?
Asked by ETpro | 9 responses -
What is your opinion on stay at home wives?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 | 44 responses -
Right now, how much would an unexpected bill of say $500 hurt you?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 41 responses -
Do I still need life insurance?
Asked by janbb | 34 responses -
Where can I find trustworthy debt counseling?
Asked by nzigler | 16 responses -
What is your system for paying bills?
Asked by janbb | 23 responses -
Have you ever heard of anything like this?
Asked by LostInParadise | 45 responses -
What is the difference between a credit union and a bank, and is my money safer at a credit union?
Asked by tinyfaery | 7 responses -
How can I make a quick 100,000 dollars?
Asked by thegodfather | 30 responses -
What's the best way to invest $20K ?
Asked by ilovedrums | 12 responses -
Why do some people have so much stuff in their wallets?
Asked by Blackberry from iPhone | 13 responses -
What's your understanding of why Medicare is a big deal?
Asked by wundayatta | 14 responses -
What are quick and easy ways to make a couple thousand dollars within a few months time?
Asked by Ume | 42 responses -
Other than FDIC limits, is there any reason to use more than one bank?
Asked by janbb | 19 responses -
How does Fluther make any money?
Asked by Chawk80 | 8 responses -
Friendship deteriorated, now need to get her off my car loan. What are my options?
Asked by JtV88 | 11 responses -
Have you used online rent payment, as a renter or landlord?
Asked by jaytkay | 16 responses -
If you were trying to assess an individual's grasp of basic finance, which two questions would you ask them?
Asked by pallen123 | 18 responses -
Am I being unreasonable and/or irresponsible with this money issue?
Asked by longgone | 16 responses -
Is it bad to still live with your parents at the age of 27?
Asked by CreativeDreamers | 16 responses -
Do people tend to become more conservative as they age? If so, why?
Asked by wundayatta | 57 responses -
How do I compromise moving out with my partner?
Asked by chelle21689 from iPhone | 20 responses -
You get what you pay for, right? Go ahead - give some recent examples. You know you want to.
Asked by zensky | 8 responses