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Headline: Judge halts Trump's mass firing so why are thousands of Federal employees still getting fired?
Asked by YARNLADY | 8 responses -
What did the first time that you fired someone feel like?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 9 responses -
Did people fire shots where you live on Christmas Eve at midnight?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 20 responses -
What's the current situation in the USA in relation to being fired for being suicidal?
Asked by luigirovatti | 12 responses -
How many chances do you give someone before firing them?
Asked by zensky | 25 responses -
What happens inside you during that final interval--when you know, and they don't?
Asked by Jeruba | 30 responses -
What, besides coefficient of expansion, could make two pieces of glass incompatible for firing together?
Asked by Mariah | 9 responses -
Would air trapped between layers of glass cause the glass to break when heated to high temperatures?
Asked by Mariah | 12 responses -
Firing glass in a kiln: can a piece be fired twice?
Asked by Mariah | 3 responses -
Would you fire your assistant for such misconduct?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 23 responses -
Have you ever fired someone?
Asked by Mamradpivo | 12 responses -
Generally speaking, what are the attributes which people who get fired tend to share?
Asked by sunrunner | 26 responses -
Do I fire my employee?
Asked by CMaz | 56 responses -
Should corporations be allowed to influence politics but also be legally capable of firing employees for their personal political stance?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 43 responses -
Have you ever been fired?
Asked by plethora | 19 responses -
I want to create ball jointed dolls; can someone give me info on materials + process?
Asked by kutelilkat | 9 responses -
What are the chances a future employer would contact your current employer without your express consent?
Asked by mirifique | 7 responses