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Who's been eating my candy (read details)?
Asked by janbb | 31 responses -
What is the price of a dozen eggs in your neighborhood?
Asked by jonsblond from iPhone | 56 responses -
Who wants to come over for some homemade butternut squash soup?
Asked by janbb | 25 responses -
Is ball-point pen ink toxic?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 7 responses -
Why can we eat pink beef ribs, and not pink pork ribs?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 14 responses -
What's it like to cook for a large social event?
Asked by Jeruba | 5 responses -
What's it like to cook for an institution?
Asked by Jeruba | 4 responses -
What color is the best potato to microwave?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 16 responses -
What do you know about the food Jell-o?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 10 responses -
Do you use wooden spoons when you cook?
Asked by jca2 | 25 responses -
Please help me find small soft foods that I can eat with dental pain?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 27 responses -
What recipes will you share that the dish is just as good or better the next day?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 11 responses -
What sized pot should I buy to make one box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 17 responses -
Is it bad to store raw meats in the same fridge as cooked meats?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 5 responses -
Why do dogs stare at you while you are eating if they don't want the food?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 18 responses -
Is there a way to prevent biting the inside of my cheek when I eat?
Asked by jca2 | 9 responses -
What recipe would you like to add to the Fluther Recipe Book?
Asked by jca2 | 12 responses -
When you go to Starbucks, do you get custom drinks made, or do you just order off the menu?
Asked by jca2 | 14 responses -
Why does milk go so well with chocolate cake?
Asked by janbb from iPhone | 13 responses -
Why is salt bad for you, and pepper not?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 9 responses -
What is an easy way to make egg salad sandwiches?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 10 responses -
What are your favorite snacks?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 25 responses -
Is it OK to eat spam sandwiches every day?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 9 responses -
Have you ever thought about the different roles played by different types of teeth?
Asked by LostInParadise | 11 responses -
Do you prefer meat or cottage cheese and salad?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 9 responses