food science
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What's the difference, if any, between seltzer and sparkling water?
Asked by janbb | 5 responses -
How can you eat a hard shell taco without it crumbling and spilling its guts out?
Asked by janbb | 45 responses -
Where can I find a list of "approved" canning recipes?
Asked by farmer from iPhone | 9 responses -
How long does an opened package of bacon keep?
Asked by janbb | 5 responses -
In regards to the Benedict's test, ethanol test, and Biuret test, what would be each outcome for bread, sausage, cheese, and brown sugar?
Asked by LongSleevesssowo | 1 response -
Would a starch test on brown sugar turn out positive?
Asked by LongSleevesssowo | 4 responses -
I accidentally sprayed bleach on apples. Could that be dangerous?
Asked by abc123_b | 11 responses -
Do you know anyone who has ever gotten very sick from eating stuffing that was cooked inside the turkey or chicken?
Asked by jca2 | 10 responses -
Realistic Weight gain in one day?
Asked by vetements | 6 responses -
Does cooked and sliced beef freeze ok?
Asked by janbb | 24 responses -
What can I do with an overabundance of chives?
Asked by LuckyGuy | 10 responses -
When eating left over pizza, do you like it best hot or cold?
Asked by nightwolf5 | 21 responses -
When guacamole turns brown on top, is it bad to eat?
Asked by janbb | 9 responses -
What’s the best way to eat Cheerios?
Asked by josie | 11 responses -
What is your favorite starch and how do you like it prepared?
Asked by jca2 | 10 responses -
In an emergency , when SHTF, how long could you eat even your favorite food before getting sick of the food?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 17 responses -
How should a really good fish and chips meal taste like?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 10 responses -
How does a butcher age meat for a week while It doesn't keep in my fridge for more than three days?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 5 responses -
How long does a bottle of red wine stay good after opening?
Asked by janbb | 14 responses -
How much stock do you put in nutritional advice or news?
Asked by Demosthenes | 18 responses -
Does intelligence correlate to brain taste?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 8 responses -
What is your favorite marinade or spice combination for the perfect beef jerky recipe?
Asked by rojo | 2 responses -
Can I put red pepper flakes in peanut butter?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 8 responses -
If we have much confusion in nutrition, trying to find who is right, then what must it be like to take nutrition in university?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 4 responses -
Why does eating regularly cause more hunger?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 13 responses