free speech
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Is this a hint as to how the free world will end?
Asked by josie | 59 responses -
"It's just a new McCarthyism, substituting 'muslim' for 'communist'".
Asked by phaedryx | 60 responses -
Would it bother you if they took away your right to free speech?
Asked by lillycoyote | 34 responses -
Is Fluther really a free speech site?
Asked by patrickhenry | 19 responses -
Should people be able to protest things that they know nothing about?
Asked by jerv | 32 responses -
Should corporations be allowed to influence politics but also be legally capable of firing employees for their personal political stance?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 43 responses -
What's a "Paid Protester"?
Asked by Hydrogenbond | 13 responses -
Is so-called "hate speech" necessarily false?
Asked by Nullo | 12 responses -
Does money equal free speech?
Asked by jerv | 43 responses -
Can you walk up to a police officer in Canada and say "f--- the police!" without getting arrested?
Asked by Qingu | 22 responses -
How would you feel if one of your sexual partners blogged about his or her experience?
Asked by TitsMcGhee | 62 responses -
Should we all just stop paying attention to the westboro baptist church?
Asked by alekseistevens | 15 responses -
If corporations are bound to a morality different from the rest of us, should they be granted the same political and civil rights as natural persons?
Asked by Zuma | 27 responses -
Minorities (ethnically, gendered, religious, whatever): How do you deal with the hate?
Asked by wildpotato | 47 responses -
Is it legal to defame an apartment complex?
Asked by GanjaGrabber | 13 responses -
Does Bill O'Reilly bear any responsibility for those who commit crimes based on his hateful rhetoric?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic | 100 responses -
How do you feel about flutherites using this site to glorify using drugs?
Asked by YARNLADY | 26 responses -
Where do you think the biggest fight against censorship should be in this day and age?
Asked by forestGeek | 18 responses -
Does anyone know how i can avoid crying when my right to speak freely is removed?
Asked by adasaismyusernameuidiots | 51 responses -
What's with the liberal infatuation with bumper stickers?
Asked by Harp | 30 responses -
I was looking for people's opinions on one aspect of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution?
Asked by Bluefreedom | 117 responses -
What crosses the line of "free speech" for you?
Asked by judochop | 21 responses