freedom of speech
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Women under Sharia law - in the U.S.A and elsewhere - is it a good idea?
Asked by zensky | 24 responses -
Homeless people arrested for selling newspapers. What gives?
Asked by john65pennington | 16 responses -
If you do not use any names can you violate someone’s privacy?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 6 responses -
If a person has a constitutional right to do something should they use it if it will purposely cause deep insult or harm as in the case of Pastor Terry Jones' stunt?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 26 responses -
How do you feel about the broadcast ban of Dire Strait's money for nothing with reference to the term faggot in Canada?
Asked by mammal | 36 responses -
Has anyone felt that they have had their right to free speech violated under the law?
Asked by iamthemob | 20 responses -
Is it possible to have freedom of speech or press without economic freedom?
Asked by dkranzberg | 11 responses -
Snyder vs. Phelps -- Regardless of what you think of Phelps' demonstrations or gay rights, do you think the 1st Amendment should protect Phelps' rights to outrageous demonstration at US soldiers' funerals?
Asked by ETpro | 51 responses -
What's your position on the Wilders Trial and why?
Asked by Thammuz | 48 responses -
What are the limits (if any) on freedom of speech?
Asked by Brian1946 | 6 responses -
How much worse is burning Korans than burning US flags, or is it?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 147 responses -
Should Glen Beck be allowed to get a permit for his rally at the Lincoln Memorial?
Asked by Cruiser | 19 responses -
What are your thoughts on "Draw Muhammed Day"?
Asked by RocketSquid | 157 responses -
A legal, moral and freedom of speech question.
Asked by Zen_Again | 15 responses -
Are you for or against "Everybody Draw Mohammad Day" on May 20 as proposed by Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris?
Asked by kevbo from iPhone | 94 responses -
Why can the FCC control what tv shows say?
Asked by Guy123123 | 16 responses -
How do you feel about organizations like the KKK being allowed to hold rallies and openly express their hatred toward others>?
Asked by kheredia | 80 responses -
Where do you draw the line on censorship?
Asked by antimatter | 14 responses -
Is it true that this site has censorship issues?
Asked by gurnblansten | 95 responses -
Can freedom of speech ever peacefully coexisit with our right to bear arms?
Asked by alive | 55 responses -
Is flag burning Freedom of speech or is it unpatriotic?
Asked by mrwhoopie | 19 responses -
Promoting hatred and mass murder and totalitarian systems - Should this be legal and protected by the freedom of speech?
Asked by mattbrowne | 15 responses -
Where can I find a list of people who are in favor of the government controlling video game ratings?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 13 responses -
If you owned a web site or magazine - and the KKK wanted to purchase a banner or advertisement - would you allow them to?
Asked by KalWest | 42 responses -
Do you view Penn and Teller's media appeal didactic or dictatorial?
Asked by mee_ouch | 8 responses