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Have you ever ditched a friend?
Asked by Sneki2 | 8 responses -
Have you ever known someone, who turned out not to be the way you thought they were?
Asked by Kardamom | 16 responses -
How would you deal with a friend whose conversations with you make you feel like you're being interviewed?
Asked by jca | 22 responses -
How do you handle the bill when you're out with a group of people?
Asked by jca | 25 responses -
Why do casual acquaintances wish to become FB friends?
Asked by rojo | 21 responses -
Can we get a rousing cheer for our Canadian friends who are celebrating 150 years?
Asked by kritiper | 20 responses -
How do you politely decline a gift from a close friend?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 125 responses -
Why are cats considered feminine and dogs considered masculine?
Asked by AloraCrimson | 25 responses -
If someone is sick, do you think it's better to call them up and see how they're doing or just leave them alone?
Asked by jca | 35 responses -
Would you feel comfortable seeing a therapist if you had mutual friends on Facebook?
Asked by rockfan from iPhone | 10 responses -
How do you form a group of friends?
Asked by RyanS123 | 11 responses -
Do you have people around you who are always negative?
Asked by Kardamom from iPhone | 11 responses -
What famous people have your 30-something friends never heard of?
Asked by Kardamom | 17 responses -
My friend wants to facilitate a reconciliation between myself and another friend. What should I do?
Asked by LeavesNoTrace | 33 responses -
How To Get Back At My Ex-Best Friend?
Asked by JennWithOneN | 11 responses -
If there is a Heaven, what would you want to find when you get there?
Asked by jca | 35 responses -
How would you handle this Facebook friend/unfriend issue?
Asked by jca | 17 responses -
How much are you a part of the community you live in?
Asked by jca | 18 responses -
Blog name suggestion [details inside]?
Asked by Madpawn | 2 responses -
How do you reconcile someone's apology with the fact that they actually did what they're apologizing for?
Asked by jca | 35 responses -
Do you have people in your life who check in on you?
Asked by cookieman from iPhone | 25 responses -
How much attention can you handle at once?
Asked by blackbetty | 7 responses -
How would you handle this situation?
Asked by MakeItSo1701 | 13 responses -
Would anyone like to participate in this self-assessment of happiness?
Asked by ameliaclare | 9 responses -
How do you deal with a guy teasing you?
Asked by sonyaakes | 9 responses