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Am i leaving high school with the right friends?
Asked by Utta_J | 11 responses -
Am i doing the right thing?
Asked by babygirlbubbles | 18 responses -
What's it like to have a best friend?
Asked by Zen_Again | 29 responses -
I feel like am losing my best friend, how can I get them back?
Asked by GentleDiplomat | 8 responses -
Can a guy be too shy to make a move?
Asked by mary84 | 64 responses -
So you decide that you dont want kids only to find out all of a sudden you're going to?
Asked by Mat74UK | 35 responses -
How to become popular and cool fast?
Asked by eman1994 | 24 responses -
How do I "start over" after "breaking up" with close friends?
Asked by lostinyoureyes | 29 responses -
Do you think you could be friends with absolutely everyone?
Asked by phoebusg | 47 responses -
If you found a person to be insecure, would you not want to have much to do with them?
Asked by wundayatta | 29 responses -
To tell or not to tell?
Asked by crazyandbeautiful | 20 responses -
Why is it that concern is so often interpreted as jealousy? Are you guilty of this?
Asked by le_inferno | 10 responses -
Does this person love me?
Asked by bean | 33 responses -
What's the dumbest thing you've had to justify doing?
Asked by Army0f0n3 | 13 responses -
Is it normal when getting over someone to feel like noone is a good as them?
Asked by killerkadoogen | 9 responses -
How do I help my significant other through this problem?
Asked by casheroo | 27 responses -
Is there a Fluther you would like to thank? For what? (Branch off from "this": question?
Asked by Naked_Homer | 29 responses -
Where is the strangest, most unusual place you've met somebody you've gotten to know really well?
Asked by ChocolateReigns | 14 responses -
How can I overcome being socially awkward?
Asked by viainfested | 114 responses -
How do I be the best possible person I can in this situation?
Asked by mowens | 28 responses -
When does this become an argument?
Asked by partyparty | 24 responses -
Does any of these two guys like me? I'm not sure.
Asked by bitter_sweet_rose | 18 responses -
What relationship is this?
Asked by Sophief | 49 responses -
Are failing relationships repairable?
Asked by Soubresaut | 18 responses -
Do you have a reason to smile today?
Asked by Shield_of_Achilles | 83 responses