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Is it really just space or is it over?
Asked by msl21 | 29 responses -
What do your new friends know about you as a person, see in you, recognize in you that your old friends have no idea about?
Asked by essieness | 14 responses -
Update on the friend who felt more than I (and who wanted more) -- see details inside?
Asked by Jude | 9 responses -
Among the people closest to you, what do you really want to know that you haven't found out yet?
Asked by essieness | 22 responses -
What one thing do you want the other person to do that would fix things between you?
Asked by essieness | 63 responses -
If you could only ask three questions, what would they be?
Asked by Kayak8 | 30 responses -
Should I drop my ex-best friend like a bad habit?
Asked by ubersiren | 25 responses -
What would be the best way to handle a situation in where I hate the guy my best friend is dating?
Asked by emmy23 | 15 responses -
How do you go about breaking the cycle of treading on egg shells with your friends?
Asked by saraaaaaa | 12 responses -
How flakey are people to you?
Asked by killertofu | 32 responses -
What's the best thing a sibling or a friend ever did for you?
Asked by wundayatta | 29 responses -
Does anybody have that friend who gets jealous of other friends?
Asked by lisaj89 | 4 responses -
How can I be there for two people going through tough break-ups?
Asked by SuperMouse | 15 responses -
Would you help a friend who was doing something you disagree with?
Asked by BBSDTfamily | 14 responses -
Can you visit an elderly person?
Asked by TROLL | 30 responses -
If a coffee mug were handed to you for free would you be skeptical?
Asked by Greenwriter | 21 responses -
Krispy Kreme outlet near San Francisco airport?
Asked by Velvetinenut | 8 responses -
Do you find it easier to be friends with people of the same sex or opposite sex?
Asked by bezdomnaya | 42 responses -
How can I help her believe again in pure LOVE?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 14 responses -
Do you believe in past lives- reincarnation, soulmates, kindred spirits?
Asked by BookReader | 22 responses -
How would you react if you knew a close friend abanadoned their pet after their home was foreclosed upon?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic | 21 responses -
Why does a girl ask her friends what they think about a new guy she just met?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 27 responses -
Is graduating from a community college not a big deal?
Asked by lisaj89 | 29 responses -
Does affection lose potency when it is expressed too frequently?
Asked by 3or4monsters | 20 responses -
Do you have internet friends?
Asked by theartfuldodger | 46 responses