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Gardeners: how close is too close?
Asked by tinyfaery from iPhone | 35 responses -
How can I save my office plant from dying?
Asked by ben | 21 responses -
Do you want to be a peasant?
Asked by pinky134 | 20 responses -
Any suggestions for a zone 4 shrub rose that will repeat, smell nice, have no thorns and resist Japanese beetles?
Asked by gailcalled | 12 responses -
Do you have a lot of plants (of the legal variety) in your home? Do you have an issue with indoor plant overkill?
Asked by Jude | 22 responses -
Propagating a stevia plant -- possible? Desirable?
Asked by SmashTheState | 4 responses -
If you order seeds online (for your personal flower and/or veggie gardens), who is your favorite supplier?
Asked by canidmajor | 21 responses -
Doesn't gardening make you feel good?
Asked by marinelife | 27 responses -
What is the protocol for trimming your neighbors trees?
Asked by thequan | 12 responses -
What's your garden plan this year?
Asked by jaytkay | 18 responses -
What should I do with my life?
Asked by isorabins | 10 responses -
How to prune my apple trees?
Asked by syz | 8 responses -
Gardeners: do you save seeds?
Asked by incendiary_dan | 21 responses -
Can a bit of fire be good for roses?
Asked by kritiper | 9 responses -
Do you share your garden produce?
Asked by partyparty | 21 responses -
How do plants know what season it is?
Asked by silverfly | 20 responses -
How tall should a tree be?
Asked by filmfann | 47 responses -
How can I sell my corn crop for a profit?
Asked by arnbev959 | 18 responses -
Can I grow a Christmas tree in a big plant pot?
Asked by Carmella | 14 responses -
When can I start removing peppers from my pepper plant?
Asked by nellybar | 5 responses -
Can I grow an avocado tree grow in a pot?
Asked by lilakess | 19 responses -
Do you know any gardening tricks like... (continued inside)
Asked by lilikoi | 6 responses -
Can I plant grocery store horseradish?
Asked by llewis | 8 responses -
I recently picked some pecans from the tree in my garden. What have you picked from your garden, lately?
Asked by zensky | 27 responses -
Do you have a garden?
Asked by incendiary_dan | 45 responses