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Does anyone know what kind of dog is the one sung about in the song "shannon" by Harry Gross?
Asked by applegate | 1 response -
What do you know that I don't, and should?
Asked by webmasterwilliam | 23 responses -
How would I ask a series of related questions?
Asked by anthony81212 | 5 responses -
Just because you don't do well on the exams, does it necessarily mean you don't know the material?
Asked by winblowzxp | 6 responses -
What makes you happy?
Asked by Strong | 11 responses -
Why do men have nipples?
Asked by Strong | 24 responses -
Do you name your electronic devices?
Asked by shockvalue | 43 responses -
What is the most important invention in the past two thousand years?
Asked by Yeco | 68 responses -
What goes around comes around?
Asked by Optimism101 from iPhone | 10 responses -
What are the long term consequence of hair straightning/ rebonding?
Asked by sarah_neerjah1234 | 2 responses -
What is the coolest fact you know?
Asked by Grabbins | 100 responses -
Because the law in California allows gays and lesbians to be married, are they now able to recieve the same benifits as strait married couples?
Asked by witchhazel | 6 responses -
If you could take a time machine back to high school, would you go?
Asked by NOharmNOfoul from iPhone | 13 responses -
"All's fair in love and war"?
Asked by NOharmNOfoul from iPhone | 14 responses -
What do you think when you hear the words "Islam" or "Muslim"?
Asked by shrubbery | 103 responses -
How long should you leave a memorial ribbon be displayed?
Asked by Beckquador24 | 8 responses -
Does anyone have information on the "Phantom", as in the Phantom of the Opera ?
Asked by applegate | 3 responses -
What percent of statistics are not real?
Asked by hairypalm from iPhone | 7 responses -
I would like to move to South Georgia. Is there anyone who knows Georgia and can tell me what the best Cities are ?
Asked by applegate | 5 responses -
a trade...(read inside for details)
Asked by Mtl_zack | 9 responses -
Which is better: USA or Canada?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 49 responses -
evolution or. Creationism
Asked by Mtl_zack | 79 responses -
Which is more important, common sense or intelligence?
Asked by bigchina from iPhone | 13 responses -
why do the secret service wear sunglasses
Asked by davoice | 7 responses -
Why do people use Fluther for questions that can be answered more quickly on Google or Wikipedia?
Asked by Phil from iPhone | 10 responses