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Why should it matter if homosexuality is biological?
Asked by Rsam | 248 responses -
Christian theologians: Do twins have one spirit or two? Did "vanishing twins" have two spirits or one?
Asked by SmashTheState | 16 responses -
Do you think there is some innate feature of a person that can predispose them to certain belief patterns?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 26 responses -
Could you link me the studies that show homosexuality is likely genetic?
Asked by cockswain | 12 responses -
Why haven't humans evolved to a better species?
Asked by gamefu91 | 61 responses -
Are boy embyos or fetuses sturdier than girl ones?
Asked by AstroChuck from iPhone | 18 responses -
Do you think people should be permitted to have "designer babies"?
Asked by nikipedia | 46 responses -
A recent report (among others) suggests there may be a reason why so many Conservatives are anti-science or science deniers. What would this mean if true?
Asked by ro_in_motion | 98 responses -
Did Nazis like Goebbels face any challenges because of their appearance?
Asked by pallen123 | 6 responses -
If you could ensure that your child could be born heterosexual, would you take that step?
Asked by WasCy | 57 responses -
Can a man be predisposed to have only (or mostly) children of a certain sex?
Asked by jmeeker98 | 45 responses -
What evolutionary function is served by squinting one eye at lemons?
Asked by SmashTheState | 15 responses -
Can someone please explain the Mitochondrial Eve to me simply?
Asked by LiLithh13 | 11 responses -
Did you hear that the US Supreme Court ruled against being able to patent genes?
Asked by JLeslie | 13 responses -
Is Autism just the next step in the evolutionary process?
Asked by rojo | 11 responses -
Is there an occupation that is common in your family?
Asked by phoenyx | 28 responses -
Are humans the only animals with a sense of humor?
Asked by Poser | 28 responses -
Can SNP genotyping (aka 23andme) be done on a sample taken while you have a cold?
Asked by timtrueman | 5 responses -
Asked by robmandu | 19 responsesmarijuanathe cannibis plant itself illegal? Or just the THC component? -
To what extent is your use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs similar to that of your parents?
Asked by jca2 | 37 responses -
Do you think transsexualism is a choice or genetic??
Asked by KeepYourEyesWideOpen | 23 responses -
Doesn't gay marriage guarantee the extinction of homosexuality?
Asked by josie | 41 responses -
How excited should I be about this new gene therapy which appears to make T-cells immune to HIV?
Asked by iamthemob | 10 responses -
What changes would you make in a redesign of the human body?
Asked by SmashTheState | 24 responses -
Do mental illnesses have a physical basis?
Asked by nikipedia | 41 responses