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Should USA Hockey withdraw from the international stage?
Asked by raiden88 | 7 responses -
What would you do if you found a baby clone of your child on your doorstep?
Asked by wundayatta | 22 responses -
Are clones people too?
Asked by philcampbell | 3 responses -
Does the US Hockey team need genetic engineering technology to improve?
Asked by raiden88 | 6 responses -
What are the three germline tissues developed by an embryo?
Asked by solarisq from iPhone | 4 responses -
Twisted small toe?
Asked by Amish_Ninja | 3 responses -
Is there any such thing as naturally nocturnal human?
Asked by Supacase | 22 responses -
Anyone else have an eye freckle (choroidal nevus)? I do. Why do we have them?
Asked by Jude | 12 responses -
Does bowel cancer run in families?
Asked by sandystrachan | 9 responses -
With a 40 years timeframe, what will be our life expectancy?
Asked by phoenix13 | 22 responses -
Apart from monkeys or the ape family, in what other species has Down's syndrome been detected?
Asked by shalom | 12 responses -
How closely related are the genes on a single chromosome?
Asked by LostInParadise | 6 responses -
Do genetically-modified foods have a negative effect on human health?
Asked by drdoombot | 20 responses -
Will reading in poor light when you're young cause astigmatism?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 12 responses -
OK, I asked a question, it was deemed obscene. I made the changes requested but it is still not posted. Why?
Asked by rojo | 25 responses -
Are there any researchers here? Do you find gene research fascinating?
Asked by philosopher | 7 responses -
What if there was/is a dna test that tells you when the last time someone inbred in your genetic line?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 8 responses -
Did you like the movie "I Am Legend"?
Asked by erichner | 9 responses -
Can a grey eyed mother and a blue eyed father have a brown eyed son?
Asked by ArtiqueFox | 13 responses -
Would you do the genetic testing?
Asked by gimmedat from iPhone | 11 responses -
What do we know about genetics and physical traits in the area of athleticism?
Asked by Blackberry | 7 responses -
What fiction books talk about extraterrestrials that try to replace unsuspecting humans with hybrids?
Asked by luigirovatti | 2 responses -
What does science have to say about some people being genetically inferior to other people?
Asked by cackle | 52 responses -
What is your opinion of human genetic engineering?
Asked by DryaUnda | 4 responses -
How does the body decide where hair should grow and how thick and how long?
Asked by timothykinney | 6 responses